Friday, November 22, 2013

Light Your Night


Electrifying One-of-Kind Series Featuring a Mash-Up of 
Digital Technology, Music, Design and Architecture

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y., November 19, 2013 - Heineken Light has partnered with the award-winning Tecné Collective to bring Heineken "Light Your Night" to Art Basel Miami. Taking place December 3 to December 7, Heineken "Light Your Night" will serve as a platform for local and international artists to interpret Heineken Light's "Bounce" campaign through the use of light. The creations, by local and internationalsartists, will be showcased in a series of events including a monumental video mapping experience, kinetic light motion installations, and an interactive light show challenge.

Heineken Light Your Night will feature video mapping and kinetic motion events designed by award-winning Tecné Collective, a group of technologists and artists featuring Gorka Cortázar (Madrid) and Rodrigo Arcaya (Miami), in collaboration with Wyzton Borrero Peréz of Klang! (Barcelona). The internationally recognized Tecné Collective was awarded "Best Spatial Media Art" by the Media Architecture Biennale, and most recently received the Illumni Infinity Award and the International Association of Lighting Designers' Award of Excellence, among other accolades.

"Heineken Light is excited to partner with renowned artists to bring a series of light-inspired events toMiami during one of the most significant art explosions of the year," says Pattie Falch, Brand Director, Heineken Sponsorships.

2013 Heineken Light Art Basel Featured Events

Heineken Light Your Night Challenge at the Light Box at Goldman Warehouse
On Tuesday, December 3, five South Florida multi-media artists, Yuri Tuma, Juan Carlos Zaldivar, Clifton Childree, Brandon Opalka, and Kevin Arrow, will transform the Light Box at Goldman Warehouse into a maze of light installations. A panel of judges will select one of these talented artists as the winner of the Light Your Night Challenge and award them a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Amsterdam, home of Heineken.

Heineken Light Your Night Challenge Exhibit + VIP Launch Event
Light Box at Goldman Warehouse
Tuesday, December 3, 2013 | 8:30 p.m.
404 NW 26 Street | Miami, FL 33127 

///  RSVP Required to by Friday, November 29  
Must Be 21 or over. Space is limited.

Light :: Flow
Kinetic Motion Interactive Experience at Mana Wynwood

On Thursday, December 5, at Mana Wynwood, Heineken Light Your Night will showcase Light :: Flow. This interactive kinetic motion installation by Tecné Collective, portrays an abstract representation of human movement, through light and kinetic rhythm. Music by DARKSIDE (Nicolas Jaar & Dave Harrington) in the Sound Garden. Tickets at
Light :: Flow at Mana Wynwood
Thursday, December 5, 2013 | 10:00 p.m.
318 NW 23 Street | Miami, FL 33132
Live Music by: DARKSIDE (Nicolas Jaar & Dave Harrington)


Hyperopticks :: Monumental Video Mapping 
The Grand Finale 
 Official Basel Castle After Party

On Saturday, December 7, a monumental video mapping installation will transform the façade of Grand Central into an eight-minute show-stopping audiovisual experience. Tecné Collective's Hyperopticks will explore the characteristics of contemporary art movements such as Op-ArtArt Cinetiqué, and Deconstructivism.  
Video Installations and Official Basel Castle After Party at Grand Central
Saturday, December 12, 2013 | 11:00 p.m. - 11:45 p.m. - 12:15 a.m.
 679 N. Miami Avenue | Miami, FL 33136
Presented by: Heineken Light, Overthrow, Embrace & POPLIFE 

For more information about Heineken Light Your Night events, follow us on Tumblr.



Media Contact:

JennyLee Molina
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