Dear friends: Andrés Rábago, "El Roto" is a great Spanish draftsman, known for his cartoons and drawings that have appeared daily during more than 40 years in the newspaper El Pais; he is satirical and surreal, his fun works remind us to never believe the lies we are fed by power groups in contemporary society. Atelier Morales (Juan Luis Morales y Teresa Ayuso), Cuban duo living and working in Paris, present the poetic and beautiful photographs from their two series: "Tributo a Monet", which was exhibited at the Venice Biennale, composed of images of the entrance plaza to Centre Georges Pompidou, taken at different times of the day and year: and "Arqueologías", interiors of abandoned and shattered houses in Havana, with Eliseo Diego's poem disappearing in the background and two archaeologists or ghosts who are looking for the memory of those long gone inhabitants. Douglas Argüelles, is considered among the very best conceptual Cuban artists, he lives in Havana and Mexico City. He is showing paintings with different themes and meanings.
nina menocal projects
gobernador rafael rebollar #56
col. san miguel chapultepec, mexico city 11850