Showing posts with label Mike Weiss Gallery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mike Weiss Gallery. Show all posts

Friday, July 19, 2013



In 1984, President Ronald Reagan designated July as National Ice Cream Month and the third Saturday of the month as National Ice Cream Day.  He recognized ice cream as a fun and nutritious food that is enjoyed by a full 90 percent of the national population.  In the proclamation, President Reagan called for all people of the United States to observe these events with "appropriate ceremonies and activities."  Mike Weiss Gallery (MWG) encourages art collectors and consumers to celebrate July 20th as National Ice Cream Day.

In Honor of this very special day, Mike Weiss is securing "Benny's Ice Cream - The Ice Cream Man With A Truck" for the entire day, in order to give away free ice cream to art collectors and art lovers in front of his gallery at 520 W. 24 Street.  Please be aware that there are a few restrictions to the offer, which will be posted on the ice cream truck.

The U.S. ice cream industry generated total revenues of $10 Billion in 2010, with take-home ice cream sales representing the largest section of the market, generating revenues of $6.8 billion or 67.7 percent of the market's overall value.  (Source: MarketLine, an Informa business) About 9 percent of all the milk produced by U.S. dairy farmers is used to produce ice cream, contributing significantly to the economic well-being of the nation's industry.

Mike Weiss Gallery was founded in 2003 as being an innovative showcase for the ongoing presentation and promotion of strong, visceral, and visionary contemporary art worldwide.  The gallery is dedicated to exhibiting the work of ambitious contemporary artists at all levels of their careers and development.  

Monday, October 15, 2012

Mike Weiss Gallery

October Newsletter - Mike Weiss Gallery <!--Copyright (c) 1996-2012 Constant Contact. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under a separate written agreement with Constant Contact, neither the Constant Contact software, nor any content that appears on any Constant Contact site, including but not limited to, web pages, newsletters, or templates may be reproduced, republished, repurposed, or distributed without the prior written permission of Constant Contact. For inquiries regarding reproduction or distribution of any Constant Contact material, please contact

Marc Séguin: My Century (An Illustrated Guide for Aliens)
Marc Séguin, whose show closes this Saturday, is not only garnering attention with his current exhibition at our gallery but also for his recently published second novel, Hollywood. Click below to read about Séguin's approach to both writing and painting!

Marc Séguin / Studio view / 2012 / Brooklyn, NY

La Presse - The American Dream of Marc Séguin - Yves Schaeffner FRENCH ENGLISH
Le Devoir - Hollywood Tragedies - Catherine Lalonde FRENCH ENGLISH
La Presse - The Art of Shoving - Josée LaPointe FRENCH ENGLISH

Kim Dorland at Angell Gallery

Kim Dorland's show, I'm An Adult Now is currently on view at Angell Gallery in Toronto and will be on view through October 27. Check out a video below of Dorland speaking about the influence that famed Canadian artist, Tom Thompson--who was also a major influence on the Canadian "Group of Seven"--had on his work.

Kim Dorland, Angell Gallery
Kim Dorland, Angell Gallery

Kim Dorland / Installation view / 2012 / Angell Gallery / Toronto, ON

Yigal Ozeri at Galerie Andreas Binder

Yigal Ozeri's solo exhibition The Boathouse at Galerie Andreas Binder in Munich is up through October 20. The works feature a new series of paintings centered around the iconic Loeb Boathouse in New York's Central Park.

Yigal Ozeri / Untitled; The Boathouse / 2012 / Oil on canvas / 10 x 15.5 inches

Will Kurtz Take Home a Nude

Gallery artist Will Kurtz, who meticulously constructs life-size figures out of everyday household materials such as glue, newspaper, masking tape, and wood--modeling them after acquaintances and those whose anonymous image he secretly captures with his iPhone on the streets of Brooklyn, has donated a sculpture to the New York Academy of Art's Take Home a Nude benefit auction. To preview the auction or learn more click HERE.

Will Kurtz
/ Chalkley on IKEA Chair / 2012 / Wood, metal wire, newspaper, glue, tape, matte medium, cardboard, and IKEA chair / 48 x 30 x 36 inches

Stefanie Gutheil and Kim Dorland at the Nerman Museum

On September 29, the Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art in Overland Park, KS celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Tony and Marti Oppenheimer collection with a gala celebration. Kim Dorland and Stefanie Gutheil's works were prominently displayed in the permanent collection.

Kim Dorland / Tree on the Corner / Oil, acrylic, and spray paint on canvas / 72 x 60 inches

Stefanie Gutheil / Berg I / 2009 / Oil and mixed media on canvas / 98 x 79 inches

Stefanie Gutheil's upcoming group show

Stefanie Guthiel will take part in a group exhibition curated by Mika Hanulla called, Adelbergerstr. 9 + - Muscle Temple Painting Society at Helsinki Contemporary in Helsinki, Finland.

From the press release: "[It is] a very physical exhibition, focusing on our experience of being there, and being with the paintings...They create and generate confrontations and connections...These are works that shout at us. They challenge us, but they also caress us. They look back at us, and throw us off balance. The motto of the exhibition is borrowed from the American filmmaker John Waters, known for his more than usually experimental style. Out of all the possible candidates, he is the one who defines the task of art as being: to confuse us in a beautiful way."

The exhibition opens on November 2 and will be on view through November 25.

Stefanie Gutheil
/ Thank You For The Flowers / 2012 / Oil and fabric on canvas / 79 x 71 inches
Reminder: Liao Yibai  MADE IN CHINA
Liao Yibai's third solo show will open next Thursday, October 18 from 6-8pm.

Liao Yibai / Studio view / 2012 / Chongqing, China

If you have questions about any of our artists please contact Anna Ortt, Director, at

Mike Weiss Gallery
520 West 24th Street
New York, NY 10011
Tel: 212-691-6899
Hours: Tues-Sat 10am to 6pm

Friday, September 28, 2012


Liao Yibai: MADE IN CHINA   
October 18, 2012 - November 24, 2012

Mike Weiss Gallery is pleased to present MADE IN CHINA, Chinese artist Liao Yibai's third solo show at the gallery. Inspired by China's lucrative fake antique industry, twenty-two hand welded stainless steel sculptures displayed on "antiqued" pedestals tell the artist's version of China's rich history through three unique series: Fake Antiques, Fake Evidence, and Legends. The title MADE IN CHINA is not only a reference to the origin of the works and the traditional Chinese objets d'art that inspired them, but also to the ubiquitous "MADE IN CHINA" tag found on the majority of goods imported into the United States. By producing innovative fakes, Yibai exposes the value of truth.

Liao Yibai
/ Dragon Vase Earth / 2011 / Stainless steel
38 x 23 1/2 x 23 1/2 inches (96.52 x 59.69 x 59.69 cm)

Yibai replicates treasures from the Ming, Qing, Yuan, and other dynasties as he marries ancient forms with pressing contemporary issues in his Fake Antiques. Embellished with playful characters from his previous series, often donning slippers and boxing gloves, large vessels such as Ding, Dragon Vase Ocean, and Dragon Vase Earth are emblazoned with nuclear clouds, swine flu viruses, and acid rain in a beautiful visual tango with traditional lotus and dragon motifs. Chairman's Chair, a life-sized throne riddled with arrows, is the artist's wry summation of 5,000 years of China's history and its constant struggle for power.

Liao Yibai / Chairman's Chair / Detail view / 2011 / Stainless steel
55 5/8 x 52 1/2 x 65 1/2 inches (141.29 x 133.35 x 166.37 cm)

Yibai's ironic story telling continues with his Fake Evidence presented in the form of dragon and panda eggs, skulls, and dinosaur fossils. In Panda's Egg, a cracked egg hatching a panda bear sits in an intricate nest of twigs, while Dinosaur's Fossil shows an entire family of dinosaurs tangled with diamonds. Alluding to the false sense of security one feels in accepting what is presented as factual archeological evidence, the artist goes to great lengths in attempting to prank future museum patrons.

Liao Yibai / Panda's Egg / 2012 / Stainless Steel
18 1/4 x 40 1/4 x 41 7/8 inches (46.36 x 102.24 x 106.36 cm)

Liao Yibai / Dinosaur's Fossil / 2011 / Stainless steel
34 3/4 x 54 x 22 1/4 inches (88.27 x 137.16 x 56.52 cm)

Parrot, Chinese Legend and Machine Gun belong the Legends series, in which Yibai recontextualizes well-known Chinese mythology to tell cautionary tales, like the story of the emperor's famed talking pet parrot that has outlived the emperor and is passed onto the emperor's son. The parrot serves as a lone witness for the past emperor's acts, both good and bad. In an effort to silence the truth, the emperor's surviving son chains and binds the parrot's mouth shut in a literal attempt at censorship. Chinese Legend, a large Ming style cabinet, sets the stage for great myths and tales, such as the adventure of the Monkey King, the ill-fated story of the Butterfly Lovers, the building of the Great Wall and the Cult of Mao, to name but a few.  It is a gleaming tribute to the splendors and trials of China, as well her majestic landscape that is now under threat.

Liao Yibai / Parrot / 2012 / Stainless steel
32 5/8 x 33 1/2 x 26 1/2 inches (82.87 x 85.09 x 67.31 cm)

Liao Yibai / Chinese Legend / 2012 / Stainless steel and copper
75 3/4 x 36 1/8 x 12 1/4 inches (192.41 x 91.76 x 31.12 cm)

"Liao's museological hoax is the latest in his irreverent, irresistible series of 'Real Fakes' that, coming full circle, end as they begin as independent works of art, rather than fake."

-Lilly Wei. "The Real Fake Annals of Liao Yibai," in MADE IN CHINA catalog

Liao Yibai graduated from the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts in 1997. His work has been exhibited extensively throughout China, United States, and Europe.  Yibai currently lives and works in Chongqing, China with his wife and daughter. 

A fully illustrated catalog accompanies the exhibition.

If you have questions about any of our artists please contact Anna Ortt, Director, at

Mike Weiss Gallery
520 West 24th Street
New York, NY 10011
Tel: 212-691-6899
Hours: Tues-Sat 10am to 6pm

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Friday, July 20, 2012

Mike Weiss Gallery: Alex Gingrow All the money IS in the label August 2 - September 1, 2012

Alex Gingrow All the money IS in the label
August 2 - September 1, 2012
Opening Thursday August 2, 6 - 8 pm 

 Alex Gingrow / He might as well have humped my leg! / 2012 /  
Graphite and acrylic on paper / 22 x 30 inches

Mike Weiss Gallery is pleased to present All the money IS in the label by Brooklyn based artist Alex Gingrow.  For her first solo exhibition, Alex Gingrow presents dozens of obsessively rendered drawings on paper loaded with cutting, antagonistic humor and a quick trigger finger pointed at the heart of the art world.   Over the past five years while working at a midtown frame shop, the artist has collected snippets of sordid conversations overheard from chief art world players as well as from peers working at entry-level positions within art institutions.   The resulting works are incredibly revealing, and often baiting epitaphs of insider conversations, reified and displayed, ironically within a frame.  With a snarky, sharp wit and a healthy dose of self-deprecation, Gingrow implicates all levels of the "establishment" including Gagosian, Hirst and Warhol, the New Museum and even our own Mike Weiss Gallery.  

Alex Gingrow (b. 1979, Knoxville, TN) currently lives and works in Brooklyn. She attended the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston and received her MFA from Savannah College of Art and Design.  Her work has been accepted into the White Columns registry and The Drawing Center Slide Registry  and has been included in numerous curated exhibitions, most recently at the University of Memphis Art Museum,  Ursula Blickle Foundation in Kraichtal Germany and at the Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts in New York. 

For additional information please contact Anna Ortt, Director at

Mike Weiss Gallery
520 West 24th Street
New York, NY 10011
Tel: 212-691-6899
Hours: Tues-Sat 10am to 6pm