Tales Transposed: A Celebration of Imagination
Curated by Eleanor Smythe, this whimsical exhibition features work by Lillian Trettin, Judy Mooney, and Nathan Durfee. Mounted as a part of the 2013 Piccolo Spoleto Festival, Tales Transposed explores stories and settings drawn from literature, history, and pure fantasy- bringing together paper collage inspired by the writings of Flannery O' Connor, small-scale interpretations of Gullah vernacular architecture rendered in clay, and a series of paintings centered around one dog in search of his identity and a sense of belonging.
Admission: Free. May 18-June 30. Festival hours: daily from 10am-6pm; after festival hours (June 11-30): Tues.-Fri. 10am-6pm; Sat.-Sun. 12-5pm
Opening Reception: May 18 from 5-7pm. Artist lectures: Nathan Durfee onMay 26 at 3pm; Judy Mooney on June 9 at 3pm; Lillian Trettin on June 23 at 3pm. City Gallery at Waterfront Park, 34 Prioleau St.
Cheryl Baskins Butler Invitational: The Birds of Desire
 Featuring this year's Piccolo Spoleto Spotlight Concerts Poster Artist, this exhibit is a compilation of recent paintings, drawings and collages combining bold bird silhouettes with abstract shapes and color fields. These works examine such human conditions as distraction, doubt, aspersion, comfort, desire and attachment. They invite individual reflections and collective dialogs, and show there is more to be gleaned from a bird feeder than just sunflower seeds.
Admission: Free. May 24-June 28; Festival Hours: May 24-June 9; 10am-2pm. After Festival Hours: Mon.-Fri.; 10am-5pm. Opening Reception: May 19 5pm-7pm. Drawing Room, Dock Street Theatre, 135 Church St.
Presented by Artist on Fire, this multi-media exhibition is celebrating the good things in life. Twelve artists expound on this theme through works in photography, film, painting, poetry, sculpture installation, and mixed media. Artists featured in this exhibition are Alex Radin, Kimberly (Kimmie) Krauk, Amelia (Mimi) Whaley, Melanie Spinks, Bethany Jaenicke, Jacquelyn Hiott, Hilary Siber, Karen DeLoach, Jan Placko, Helena Rutan, Elianna (Ellie) Radin, Sara Radin, and Volcanoes in the Kitchen. Artist on Fire is an organization founded by Alex and Sara Radin aiming to see more opportunities for artists to fully express themselves in order to be a voice of positivity and change through the creative arts. Their goal is to inspire people to dream, to see the beauty that is around them, and to be a voice of hope, truth and life.
Citadel Square Baptist Church, 328 Meeting St. Admission: Free. May 24-June7; Mon.-Fri., 11am-6pm. Opening Reception: May 23 from 5-8pm.
Works By Andrea Stanislav
 Redux Contemporary Art Center presents an exhibition featuring the acute awareness of tension and offers a series of elegant yet challenging reflections on the limits and failures of the utopic imagination. Reflection is a key word in this exhibition, as it serves to indicate both the means and the ends of Andrea Stanislav's artistic endeavors.
Admission: Free.
May 22-July 6; Tues.-Thurs., 10am-6pm; Fri., 12-7pm; Sat., 12-5pm. Opening Reception: May 24 from 5:30-8:30pm. Redux Contemporary Art Center, 136 St. Philip St.
The Art of Recovery
The South Carolina Department of Mental Health presents this very unique exhibit featuring artwork by individuals living with mental illnesses. Unveiled in 2001, this program aims to showcase the talents of those receiving services and the role that art can play in the recovery process. "The Art of Recovery" seeks not only to empower clients, but also educate the public about, and dispel the stigma associated with mental illness.
Admission: Free.
May 24-June 9; 11am-7pm. Opening Reception: May 25 from 4-7pm.Circular Congregational Church, 150 Meeting St.
Artwork By Christian Thee
In keeping with its tradition as the oldest cultural institution in the South, the Charleston Library Society is proud to showcase one of South Carolina's finest artists - Christian Thee - whose iconic poster design captured the spirit of the first Spoleto Festival USA in 1977. Thirty-six years later, the Library Society is honored to host a remarkable exhibition by Mr. Thee who is an accomplished magician, renowned stage designer, an endlessly creative scenic artist, and a leading practitioner of trompe l'oeil or "deceives the eye" art & design. Mr. Thee's exceptional eye for detail, vast imagination, and playful spirit is evident in his work as it delights, surprises, or even shocks the viewer.
Admission: Free.
May 24-June 8; Mon.-Fri., 9:30am-5:30pm; Sat., 9:30am-2pm. Opening Reception: May 25 from 4-7pm.The Charleston Library Society, 164 King St.
Ethereal Edges: Lowcountry Coastlines In Batik
The first-ever Piccolo Spoleto Invitational Exhibition at The Citadel, featuring an installation of large-scale silk batiks by celebrated local artist Mary Edna Fraser. The meditative dye-resist process of batik allows her to translate the sinuous lines of familiar locales (including The Citadel itself) into lengthy swaths of richly colored silks that float overhead, suspended, from the cathedral ceiling of the venue. A companion series of didactic photographs, tools, and batik materials documents the process of how these works were created, from inspiration to completion.
Admission: Free.
May 24-June 9; Daily from 10am-5pm. Opening Reception: May 30, 5:30-7:30pm. Daniel Library, The Citadel, 171 Moultrie St.
Outdoor Crafts Fair
Artists and artisans from across the U.S. present artwork in various media.
Tickets: $3 Adults; Free for Children/Seniors; $1 Adults on Sun. May 24-26; May 31-June 2; Fri.-Sat.:10am-6pm; Sun.: 11am-5pm; Wragg Square, Meeting and Charlotte Sts.
Piccolo Spoleto 29th Annual Juried Art Exhibition
Coordinated by the Charleston Artist Guild and sponsored by the City of Charleston Office of Cultural Affairs, this exhibition will showcase works of South Carolina artists. This year's jurors are Jonathan Clancy (painting/ 2D) and Stacy L. Pearsall (photography).
Admission: Free.
2 from 5-7pm. Charleston Visitor Center, 375 Meeting St. May 24-June 7; Daily from 8:30am-5pm.
Awards Reception: June 2, 5pm-7pm.
Piccolo Spoleto Outdoor Art Exhibition
Award-winning South Carolina artists display their works at Marion Square, with free demonstrations each day.
Admission: Free.
May 24-June 8; Mon.-Thurs. from 10am-5pm, Fri.-Sun.: 10am-6pm. Marion Square, Meeting, King and Calhoun Sts.
Yo Art Project
 In partnership with the Charleston County Public Library and the Piccolo Spoleto Festival, this exhibition features thirty new and exciting posters and photos by kids between the ages of 7-15 from Title One Schools. These posters and photos will illustrate the children's individual creativity as well as an insight into their community. Admission: Free. May 1-June 10; Mon.-Thurs., 9am-8pm; Fri.-Sat., 9am-6pm; Sun.,2-5pm. Charleston County Public Main Library, 68 Calhoun St.
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