![]() Here are a few highlights--
First, a nod to something we mentioned yesterday: Sean "Diddy" Combs' purchase of two Andrew Schoultz gold flag paintings at Marx & Zavatero Gallery.
Other news from the floor: Featured at Art Basel Miami Beach as well as Miami Project, Markus Linnenbrink has attracted strong attention both from collectors and institutions. Patricia Sweetow sold one of his rare black-and-white large-scale epoxy and resin paintings for upwards of $32,000; she also sold nine pastel Gale Antokal works and two gouache and charcoal portraits by Zena Al-Shukri. At Gary Snyder Gallery, Art Green's "Circumstantial Evidence" was purchased by a private collector. Charlie James Gallery has garnered great interest for Jim Thompson's oil painting series of 1977 baseball cards and Michelle Andrade's ink drawings. DC Moore sold three works by Barbara Takenaga, and Jen Bekman sold pieces by artists Kent Rogowski and Christian Chaize. Sales at Paul Kopeikin include a Katrin Korfmann's triptych to a Chicago collector for $30,000; a grid of 15 Alejandro Cartagenas from his "Car Poolers" series for $30,000 to a prominent Miami Collector; and Andy Freeberg from his "Art Fare Series" to a museum in Kentucky. DCKT is also having great success, selling three Cordy Ryman works, a US Flag by Ryan Humphrey, and multiple Helen Altman torch drawings. At Muriel Guepin, three of Joanie Lemercier's dibond prints which use cutting-edge video mapping technology have sold. And, Richard Levy's "Benefit Wall" has been a big hit as well --four pieces were purchased including works by Manjari Sharma and John Chervinsky-- proceeds from these works are benefiting Chelsea colleagues who were devastated by Hurricane Sandy. In addition, there has been a lot of media roaming the aisles including The New York Times, Art in America, Art Fag City, Miami Herald, Yahoo Espanol, El Nacional, Miami New Times, Art Info, Modern Painters, Art Forum, The New Yorker, White Hot, W Magazine, Univision, International Herald Tribune, Modern Luxury, The Hollywood Reporter, among others. Some recent coverage includes: ART INFO: http://blogs.artinfo.com/artintheair/2012/12/07/usher-buys-a-louis-vuitton-waffle-maker-as-new-fair-the-miami-project-sees-strong-sales/ ART INFO: http://blogs.artinfo.com/artintheair/2012/12/04/miami-itinerary-tuesday-december-4/#more-24390 OCEAN DRIVE: http://oceandrive.com/home-page/articles/art-basel-miami-beach-week-agenda-december-4 NEW TIMES BROWARD PALM BEACH: http://www.browardpalmbeach.com/2012-12-06/culture/guide-to-art-basel-2012-the-satellite-fairs-have-sexting-james-franco-and-a-candy-roller-coaster/ MIAMI NEW TIMES: http://www.miaminewtimes.com/2012-12-06/culture/basel-tov-miami-new-times-guide-to-art-basel/ MIAMI NEW TIMES: http://www.miaminewtimes.com/2012-12-06/culture/art-basel-miami-beach-satellite-fair-guide/ FINANCIAL TIMES: http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/2/3379603a-396e-11e2-afa8-00144feabdc0.html#axzz2DpXj7sdw ART SLANT: http://www.artslant.com/mia/events/show/248421-miami-project-art-fair-201 CONNEXIONS MAGAZINE: http://www.connextionsmagazine.com/14/post/2012/11/miami-project-art-fair-december-4-9-2012.html We look forward to seeing you all throughout the weekend. Come find us and say hello - the Fair is located at NE 29th Street and NE 1st Avenue in the heart of Miami - (map). Miami Project exhibitors:

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