Showing posts with label Elliott Landy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elliott Landy. Show all posts

Friday, August 26, 2022

ELLIOTT LANDY’S WOODSTOCK: AN AQUARIAN PHOTO EXPOSITION, August 18th-September 3rd, 2022 Musichead Gallery,

August 18th-September 3rd, 2022
Musichead Gallery, 7420 W Sunset Blvd ,Hollywood, CA

Join us as we celebrate Elliott Landy's "Woodstock: An Aquarian Photo Exposition. This experiential photo display brings us to Woodstock, NY in 1969, where Landy took intimate portraits of Bob Dylan and the Band. Landy was one of the two official photographers of the Woodstock Festival. Early in 1969 Michael Lang rode up to his house in Woodstock and asked if he'd be interested in photographing a festival he was putting on. What resulted are classic images from the most historic music festival of the 20th century, WOODSTOCK.
Gallery Hours: 
Monday - Saturday 10am-5pm
For further information, contact Muischead Gallery at (323) 876-0042 or 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

From Elliott Landy: — Kickstarter campaign for a book of my photographs of THE BAND

From Elliott Landy:

— Kickstarter campaign for a book of my photographs of THE BAND

I am very grateful that my Kickstarter campaign reached its initial goal within five days, insuring the publication of the book in this special fine art edition.  However, continuing support for this Kickstarter enables us to put all the necessary personal time into making this project, both editorially and physically, the best it can be, and helps us explore expanding the project into other mediums.

Fans of THE BAND and photography collectors should continue to reserve copies of this special first printing because it's possible that after this Kickstarter campaign ends, it will not be available in the same format. Also, the campaign offers an opportunity to collect some of my prints at a reduced price. (Kickstarter project closes Jan 28th)
An excerpt from about my project: 
...and unlike some crowd-funders we could name, he’s not looking to take your money and give you nothing in return. A mere $1,000, for example, will get you a deluxe limited edition of the book—which he says will likely run either 128 or 144 pages—as well as one of four 16-by-20-inch fine-art pigment prints. The prints alone normally cost upwards of $750 apiece. 

Description of the book:
    I launched this Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign so I could create a fine art book of my photographs of THE BAND. As most people familiar with THE BAND’s music know, I took the photos for their first two albums, Music From Big Pink and The Band. During that period I was the only photographer they let take pictures of them. They treated me like a friend and allowed me the freedom to hang out and take whatever pictures I wanted. Looking back, I wish I had shot more but my laid-back style was what allowed me to be close with them. I never interfered with what was going on, never asked them to do anything just for the camera. 
     I shot over 8000 frames of film. Of these, only about 30 have been widely published. The photos have been in my studio for over 40 years, taking up prime space on the shelves and in my fireproof file cabinet. I am still in love with them. I feel it’s my best body of work from the Sixties and each time I peruse the unseen contact sheets, proof prints and slides, I find at least one new gem and think, “I am going to make a book of all this someday.” Well, now is the moment. I am 71, still feeling 20, but recognizing that time will catch my body and spirit soon enough and that with crowd sourcing support I will be able, finally, to make the book I want to make. I am gathering the best of it to make into a finely printed book so that the experiences I had while hanging out with them will be passed on. The photographs of Garth, Levon, Richard, Rick and Robbie show their camaraderie, their love of life and music. The book will visually define who they were for the generations to come—brothers creating two of the greatest albums in the history of music.

Feel free to ask any questions about the project and to share this Kickstarter link.  

 — Elliott Landy
