Showing posts with label BackYardEnvironmentalist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BackYardEnvironmentalist. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Life is Very Funny!!! Long Ago and Far away I attended the Red Cross Ball hosted by Prince Albert 11 of Monaco in Monte-Carlo at the invitation of Nall Hollis.

Life is Very Funny!!! Long Ago and Far away I attended the Red Cross Ball hosted by Prince Albert 11 of Monaco in Monte-Carlo at the invitation of Nall Hollis.

Nall Hollis on the center and Chip Cooper with a camera in hand
looking out over Monte Carlo

As it would happen, today back to back I  posted below releases from Nall Hollis to announce the opening of the Nall museum on Oct 7th. and Prince Albert of Monaco's environmental for sustainability Gala and auction, the 28th by Purdy auctions.  Pics below show some of the events during that trip I made to Nall's art events and the Red Cross Ball. I am the brunette of twenty years ago. Other than the fabulous Nall himself and photographer par excellence Chip Cooper forgive me I don't recall the names of my traveling buddies. 

The is a reason to a-lite the aforementioned is Prince Albert has lent his considerable weight and those of celebrities to advance environmental causes. The inaugural "Monte Carlo Gala for the Global Ocean" will honor Leonardo DiCaprio for his outstanding actions for the preservation of our Planet. Uma Thurman, Goldie Hawn, Andy Garcia, Kevin Spacey, Eva Longoria, Madonna, Joe Pesci, Martin Scorsese, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tobey Maguire, Enric Sala and Terry Tamminen are the Event Chairs, confirming their commitment to this important cause.

The coincident shared this post to highlight my own involvement in championing environmental issues. See the link to " Artists for Peace and the Environment" hosted by Michael Lang at Woodstock '99.

I am  the brunette in the top and bottom pic, Jamie Ellin Forbes


Friday, June 2, 2017

The Back Yard Enviornmentalist: The Paris Climate Treaty was not a " deal" it was a treaty with accords. The US should not be run on the Price is right mentality, although I loved Bob Barker.

Hi, I am Jamie Ellin Forbes, the  Backyard Environmentalist

 I live on a creek and see the effects of climate change and species extinction all around. "The Price is Right" tv show mentality is funny but is not a serious. This Paris Climate Treaty required an adult approach to the climate, economy and the future of our country as a world leader. It was not a "deal". The backing out of the Paris Climate Treaty abdicated the US  world leader in a  future without fossil fuel.

Pictured below is my participation as a SunStorm Arts Publishing enterprise in Dallas Texas for Earth Day 2017. Thank you, Tremmel Crow, for providing a wonderful environment in which to promote choice in consumer goods and fight the effect of environmental degradation and greed. !!!   I saw innovation by individuals, universities, hedge funds, think tanks and corporations. The train has left the station on Fossil fuels. If Mr. Rex Tillerson, former CEO fo Exon Mobil is in support of the Paris Climate Treaty there is something wrong with the statement European are Laughing at us.

Jamie Ellin Forbes at Earth Day Texas,  promoting personal responsibility by all individuals as environmental caretakers, 

Hydrogen Engin's already road worthy and marketed in California. 
Thank You, Victor Forbes, my business partner for your support of my project.
