Hi all, You're invited to the Log Island NCGR meeting at The Eyes of Learning, LevittownHall, 201 Levittown Parkway, Hicksville .
October 12th, 2023, 7:00- 9:00 PM, 2023
Topic: Aspects: what’s coming next? Saturn Stations Direct!
Speaker: MaryAnn Dellinger

Aspects: what’s coming next? Saturn Stations Direct November 4, 2023, at 8.26 hrs. How are the energies of the aspects, and transitions may manifest generally. Bring your chart individual and general Questions will be answered at the end of the lecture.
MaryAnn holds a Certificate of Achievement and Fellowship from the Fred MansBridge Metaphysical Healing Foundation for her study in psychic development in conjunction with New Life Awareness. The Reverend MaryAnn Dellinger is ordained in The Order of Melchizedek, and is an Associate pastor of the Sanctuary of the Beloved, Inc. of the State of New York. In addition, she practices past life regression. MaryAnn studied with Dick and Tara Sutphen earning her Certificate in Psychic Phenomenon and Past Life Regression, and a Hypnosis certificate through Lavelle.
Her metaphysical studies include American Indian Medicine initially with Wallace Black Elk, and Twylah Nitsch of the Wolf Clan. She received her colors studying with Twylah. She is a certified Reiki practitioner of JIKIDEN REIKI, registered in Japan. She also holds Certificates of Completion from the Center for Applied Jungian Studies - The Jungian Mystery School and the Magnum Opus: Citrinitas. She is certified in End-of-Life Doula Intensive Training. MaryAnn holds two black belts in two different Japanese Martial Arts Systems earning them in Japan. MaryAnn has traveled the world extensively in search of learning her metaphysical pursuits, and interests.
MaryAnn writes three columns monthly on Astrological predictions for the Long Island Publications GEM Magazine, The Village Connection, and Aces Magazine. Artistically she has been a ballet dancer and dances Yangi, which is an oriental dance. MaryAnn has been a backup singer and used to manage the band (John Kelvin, Solo Artist).She is the Treasurer of The Long Island Chapter of The National Council of Geocosmic Research; and as a qualified Astrologer for over 30 years utilizes the tools of the past, and present to practice her ancient Art as she gives classes and does her readings.
EventBrite on line registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/x/maryann-dellinger-october-122023-7-9-topic-aspects-whats-coming-next-tickets-728897832037
Contact MaryAnn Delinger: https://www.maryanndellinger.com/
Levittown Hall: Eyes Of Learning Location
Levittown Hall,
201 Levittown Pkwy,
Hicksville, NY 11801
Google Directions:
Chapter meeting lecture is $15 for members, $20 for non members.
November 13, 2023, 7-9 PM
Meet, and Greet! Let's talk Astrology. Join our discussion at Levittown & bring your chart, Levittown Hall.
December, 6, 2023, 7-9 PM
Wednesday. Holiday meeting, Levittown Hall.
Winter 2024, Date, and location to be announced.
Dr. Jeanne D'Bandt
All Classes, and Extra Presentations Will Be offered by the Educational Committee at The Forest City Park. Thank you Grace Lopez, and MaryAnn Dellinger.
Our LINCGR Educational committee offers dynamic learning opportunities for your personal experience.
Please note a three student minimum registration is required before we start our class with respect for our teachers. Any Questions contact:
MaryAnn Dellinger, text : 631 875 7235 , email celestialsrealm@gmail.com
Grace Lopez, text 516 455 7815, lop5g@aol.com
All Day Classes, and meetings 11:30-2:00 PM
MaryAnn Dellinger, New to Astrology. Let's Learn the Energies of the Astrological Basics, and a little bit more!
September, 11, 18th.
October: 16, 23, 30th
MaryAnn Dellinger: Lets talk: The Energies of the Transits
November: 13, 20 27th
Upcoming Speakers:
Coming up:
Date to be announced
Dr. Jeanne D'Bandt
Health Indicators in the Chart: Inclusive of Planets, Patterns, Progressions, Returns, Transits, and more.
Location to be announced.

Join us for an analysis of the factors that contribute to health, longevity, and death in the natal chart and its movement through time and space.
Dr. Jeanne D'Brant has been a student and teacher of astrology for more than four decades. Jeanne has presented for both NCGR-Long Island and for NCGR national. Voted LI’s Alternative Doctor of the Year 2009, Jeanne is a professor of biology, anatomy, and physiology and has been published in diverse fields. She has studied Ayurveda in India, Homeopathy in Germany, and Traditional Chinese Medicine in China; her knowledge of medical astrology is a synthesis of her immersion in the influence of the planets and stars, her western medical training, and her experience of traditional healing systems. With a Sag midheaven and Jupiter in Sag in the 10th house, she has traveled in 66 countries on 6 continents and is the author of Global: A Traveler’s Tales (amazon.com/author/dr_jet).
We look forward to seeing all members at Chapter Meetings, classes, and other presentations.
At the door: Members $15, Non-members $20 & EventBrite registrations.
At the door: Members $15, Non-members $20 & EventBrite registrations.
Contact us: LongIslandncgr@gmail.com Jamie Forbes, President, Vice President, Sara Napuri-Moy, Secretary, Adrienne Mahoney, MaryAnn Dellinger, Treasurer, Grace Lopez, and Dr. Jeanne DeBrandt, advisors to the board.
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