WHAT: Golden Fine Arts Festival
WHERE: 11th Street in Historic Downtown Golden, Colorado
WHEN: August 18 - 19, 2012
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days
*Limited to 140 artist spaces
*Surveyed artists reported average sales of over $2000 in 9 categories
*Promotion includes:
Extensive newspaper advertising with ads in both the local papers and
the Denver Post online; TV and radio; posters, handbills, large banners
hung two weeks prior to event, directional signage during the weekend
*Total monetary
awards of $2000 for first and second place, Best of Show and Best of
Colorado, first place winners receiving automatic acceptance into the
2013 festival
*Booth fees are $295 for single 10x10, double booths are $590
*Artist amenities
include an artist reception on Friday night for two, breakfast on
Saturday and Sunday mornings, artist hospitality suite, booth sitters,
night time security, early set-up on Friday.
Golden Fine Arts Festival is put on by the Golden Chamber of Commerce
and is now in its 22nd year. The show's goal is to present high-quality
art in an accessible, beautiful atmosphere next to Clear Creek. Adjacent
to the Festival is the Golden Farmers Market, an added draw for
attendees as well as the Golden History Museums' Clear Creek History
Park which features demonstrations of traditional craft during this
weekend. Musical entertainment, food, children's art zone, horse-drawn
carriage rides all just a block west of Historic Downtown Golden.
Attendance is typically 35,000. Space requests are honored as possible.
Deadline to apply: April 15, 2012 deadline, jury fee $25 per category, booth fee of $295 to be returned if not accepted.
Notification: May 15, 2012
Booth fee due: With application
For questions: contact Krista Braton,