Showing posts with label italy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label italy. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 3, 2024



Saturday, October 13, 2012

Call to Artists - Do you want to become a featured artist?

.featured artists
October 05, 2012
Do you want to become a featured artist?
It's LIQUID is searching artists from all over the world to be included in its range of featured artists. If you would like to be a featured artist send us a brief text about you and your work, CV, biography, a selection of high resolution images and your contacts to
It's an amazing opportunity for you to share your talent!
Your work will be posted on It's LIQUID and will be sent through our Newsletters service which are distributed directly to over 80.000 international collectors, consultants, advisers, critics, writers, curators, dealers and other visual arts professionals.
Our featured artists are Maurizio Cattelan, Vanessa Beecroft, Takashi Murakami, Jeff Koons, Olafur Eliasson, Bill Viola, Spencer Tunick, David LaChapelle and others. The next could be YOU! 
Database demographics: 40% in North America / 45% in Europe / 15% in other locations (South America, Australia, Japan, etc.).
Key information: over 100.000 monthly unique visitors / over 500.000 million monthly page views / over 80.000 newsletter subscribers.
You can find more info about the "featured artists" service in the "advertise" section on the website or download the It's LIQUID media pack 2012 here to know all the details about it and other advertising opportunities.
It's LIQUID Groupc/o Luca Curci Architects
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 33
70122 Bari (Italy)

Friday, September 28, 2012

Liquid Identities | Venice (Italy) - Opening Today!

Liquid Identities | Venice (Italy)
Opening: September 28, 2012
Liquid Identities, an international video-art festival and photography exhibition, will be held in the city of Venice. The Scoletta di San Giovanni Battista e del SS. Sacramento in Bragora, the venue of the event, will open its doors on Friday, September 28, until Sunday, September 30Fifty-seven artists, thirty-two video artists and twenty-five photo artists from different countries have been selected to be part of this project.
Click here to download the invitation card!
The selection has been based on the main concept of “Liquid Identities” based on fluidity, motion, changing networks and cities transformations. In contemporary society boundaries are getting more and more fleeting, and also the identity; what makes every person or place a recognizable entity, turns out fluid, multiple, making the cultural, religious, ethnic borders changeable too. This change, this mutation has allowed to cross the inside of the identities creating new possible crossings, new blends. And it’s just this “contemporaneity” that makes our civilization conceived as subjected to a process of continuous evolution and cultural hybridization. There is no more limit between an identity and the other one but it is possible to walk, to cross a passage and to find oneself halfway through it, in a non-place, in a non-identity. This project is about temporary roles in changing rules, thinking about liquid borders in new evolving worlds.
.organizer: International ArtExpo.curator: Luca Curci
.project coordinator: Biagio Ciraldo
.exhibition & screening places: Scoletta di San Giovanni Battista e del SS. Sacramento in Bragora, Venice
.dates: September 28-29-30, 2012
.opening: 28th of September, 2012 at Scoletta di San Giovanni Battista e del SS. Sacramento in Bragora at6:00 pm, Castello 3811/B - Campo della Bragora, Venice - Italy
.press Office: It’s LIQUID Group
Yuko Asai . Japan | Petronio Bendito . USA | Mattar Bin Lahej . UAE | Hans Michael Bittner . Austria | James A. Cook . USA | Josephine Durkin . USA 
| Tom Estlack . USA | Leonardo Etero & Katia Gorini . Brazil | Lucia Flego . Italy | Padelis Frantzis . Greece | Mar Garrido . Spain | Mark Krawczynski . Canada | Kadet Kuhne . USA | Serena Labate . Brazil | Renata Barros . Brazil | Kate MacDonald . Canada | Andreas Mares . Austria | Leonella Masella . Italy | Edita Matan . Croatia | Sybille Neumeyer . Germany | Diana Page . Turkey | Daniel Pesta . Czech Republic | Michael Poetschko . Austria | Nazia Andaleeb Preema . Bangladesh | Linda Riseley . Australia | Dione Roach . Italy | Lueder Schruff . Germany | Melinda Šefčić . Serbia | Gregory Steel . USA | Cal Thompson . USA | Zaneta Vangeli . Macedonia | Colin Vernon . Canada
Anna Böhm do Nascimento . Germany | Åsa Bostrom . Sweden | Yuri Corrêa de Souza . Brazil | Claudia Dias Elias . Brazil | Gildardo Gallo . Messico | 
Cacheila Soto Gonzalez . Puerto Rico | Claudia Hirszman . Brazil | Martha Fernanda Jimenez . UAE | Mark Krawczynski . Canada | Oan Kyu . Italy | Maria Luisa Imperiali . Italy | Robert Lackerstein . United Kingdom | Jesus Marin . Spain | Ana Mireles . Mexico | Sabine Mittermeier . Germany | Benjamin Nash . France | Sybille Neumeyer . Germany | Isaac Percal . Israel | Loredana Raciti . Italy | Blanca Estela Rodriguez . Italy | Nora Schoepfer . Austria | Christiane Spatt . Austria | Dodi Tabbaa . Jordan | Hannu Uusluoto . Finland | Ipek Yeginsu . Turkey
.winners of Computer Graphic CompetitionJawshing Arthur Liou . USA | Christopher D’Andrea . USA | Marco De Gregorio . Spain | Kalos&Klio . Greece | KOI . Italy 
International ArtExpo is a not for profit organization that provides a significant forum for cultural dialogue between all artists from different cultures and countries. We depend on the support of you. ArtExpo is grateful to all of the institutions, corporations, and individuals who support our efforts. We work with a number of national and international galleries as well as publishers, museums, curators and writers from all over the world. We help artists through solo and group exhibitions, gallery representation, magazine reviews and advertisements, press releases, internet promotion, as well as various curatorial projects.
more details
International ArtExpo
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 33
70122 Bari (Italy)

Friday, September 21, 2012

Liquid Identities - Venice (Italy)

Liquid Identities | Venice (Italy)
Opening: September 28, 2012
Liquid Identities, an international video-art festival and photography exhibition, will be held in the city of Venice. The Scoletta di San Giovanni Battista e del SS. Sacramento in Bragora, the venue of the event, will open its doors on Friday, September 28, until Sunday, September 30Fifty-seven artists, thirty-two video artists and twenty-five photo artists from different countries have been selected to be part of this project.
The selection has been based on the main concept of “Liquid Identities” based on fluidity, motion, changing networks and cities transformations. In contemporary society boundaries are getting more and more fleeting, and also the identity; what makes every person or place a recognizable entity, turns out fluid, multiple, making the cultural, religious, ethnic borders changeable too. This change, this mutation has allowed to cross the inside of the identities creating new possible crossings, new blends. And it’s just this “contemporaneity” that makes our civilization conceived as subjected to a process of continuous evolution and cultural hybridization. There is no more limit between an identity and the other one but it is possible to walk, to cross a passage and to find oneself halfway through it, in a non-place, in a non-identity. This project is about temporary roles in changing rules, thinking about liquid borders in new evolving worlds.
.organizer: International ArtExpo.curator: Luca Curci
.project coordinator: Biagio Ciraldo
.exhibition & screening places: Scoletta di San Giovanni Battista e del SS. Sacramento in Bragora, Venice
.dates: September 28-29-30, 2012
.opening: 28th of September, 2012 at Scoletta di San Giovanni Battista e del SS. Sacramento in Bragora at6:00 pm, Castello 3811/B - Campo della Bragora, Venice - Italy
Yuko Asai . Japan | Petronio Bendito . USA | Mattar Bin Lahej . UAE | Hans Michael Bittner . Austria | James A. Cook . USA | Josephine Durkin . USA 
| Tom Estlack . USA | Leonardo Etero & Katia Gorini . Brazil | Lucia Flego . Italy | Padelis Frantzis . Greece | Mar Garrido . Spain | Mark Krawczynski . Canada | Kadet Kuhne . USA | Serena Labate . Brazil | Renata Luzzi de Barros . Brazil | Kate MacDonald . Canada | Andreas Mares .Austria | Leonella Masella . Italy | Edita Matan . Croatia | Sybille Neumeyer . Germany | Diana Page . Turkey | Daniel Pesta . Czech Republic | Michael Poetschko . Austria | Nazia Andaleeb Preema . Bangladesh | Linda Riseley . Australia | Dione Roach . Italy | Lueder Schruff . Germany | Melinda Šefčić . Serbia | Gregory Steel . USA | Cal Thompson . USA | Zaneta Vangeli . Macedonia | Colin Vernon . Canada
Anna Böhm do Nascimento . Germany | Åsa Bostrom . Sweden | Yuri Corrêa de Souza . Brazil | Claudia Dias Elias . Brazil | Gildardo Gallo . Messico | 
Cacheila Soto Gonzalez . Puerto Rico | Claudia Hirszman . Brazil | Martha Fernanda Jimenez . UAE | Mark Krawczynski . Canada | Oan Kyu . Italy | Maria Luisa Imperiali . Italy | Robert Lackerstein . United Kingdom | Jesus Marin . Spain | Ana Mireles . Mexico | Sabine Mittermeier . Germany | Benjamin Nash . France | Sybille Neumeyer . Germany | Isaac Percal . Israel | Loredana Raciti . Italy | Blanca Estela Rodriguez . Italy | Nora Schoepfer . Germany | Christiane Spatt . Austria | Dodi Tabbaa . Pakistan | Hannu Uusluoto . Finland | Ipek Yeginsu . Turkey
.winners of Computer Graphic CompetitionJawshing Arthur Liou . USA | Christopher D’Andrea . USA | Marco De Gregorio . Spain | Kalos&Klio . Greece | KOI . Italy 
International ArtExpo is a not for profit organization that provides a significant forum for cultural dialogue between all artists from different cultures and countries. We depend on the support of you. ArtExpo is grateful to all of the institutions, corporations, and individuals who support our efforts. We work with a number of national and international galleries as well as publishers, museums, curators and writers from all over the world. We help artists through solo and group exhibitions, gallery representation, magazine reviews and advertisements, press releases, internet promotion, as well as various curatorial projects.
more details
International ArtExpo
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 33
70122 Bari (Italy)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

"A chaos theory"

B erndnaut Smilde, "Nimbus II", 2012. Cloud in the room. Lambda print, 75 × 112 cm. Hotel MariaKapel, Hoorn. Image courtesy of Cassander Eeftinck Schattenkerk

By prayer spread

"A chaos theory", Bari - June 18, 2012

The exhibition "chaos theory" defines, through the intervention of four artists, a system of forces and connections in which signs, architecture and visual geometries sound contribute to the production of an immersive environment, a total work in of a dynamic system.

Daniela Corbascio ( )
Louis Giandonato
Berndnaut Smilde ( )
Zimoun ( )

Editors: Fausta Bolettieri, Roberto Lacarbonara
Paint: Room Murat - Bari, Piazza Ferrarese Monday, June 18 at 17:30
Opening: 10-13 / 18-19 Tuesday to Sunday (closed Monday)
Press: It's LIQUID ( )
The exhibition draws up a formula for aesthetic-visual interaction between content and structural principles. The nature of the work relates the basic terms of painting and sculpture balances chaotic, energetic tensions, relationship between space and perception, between surface and structure. Through a rigorous and systematic, "A chaos theory" analyzes the continuity between static and motion between entropy and mass production, between order and turmoil, with reference to recent surveys of cybernetics on the links between mind and machine, between the organic and the electrical, between the skin and the real world.
"The four artists in the exhibition have been called to discuss the interpretation of chaos. Corbascio Danielaworks in the chaos of his childhood reminiscences, recovering the material, wood, worked in the procession of time, within which stands a bright spot, his personal order in the chaos of memory. poised installation that would escape the confines of space, just as he did with time, and take refuge in the disorder. The artist draws from the past to revive in the present and, why not, in the future takes and puts in place, system, he adds, removes and empties, to give the viewer the opportunity to fill the space with its own memory.
Louis Giandonato breaks into white order of Murat room with three large paintings at the sight of which the visitor stays at the same time fascinated and dumbfounded. Signs confused, do not give a pause to the incessant white canvas, overwhelmed by endless colors and shapes through which Giandonato draws his world (order) chaotic it hostile to the untrained eye. At first glance the paintings appear to be a "skein" difficult to unravel, however, approaching, in particular, one can find a geometric order and mental. The paintings communicate with the installations to which we turn in a dialogue in which the viewer is
inserted and forced to take part.
To create further confusion we think the young Dutch artist Berdnault Smilde and Swiss Zimoun. The first is in contrast to the majesty and the field works and Corbascio Giandonato, presenting a work that not only is the total dematerialization of the art but of nature itself. Create a cloud in indoor ephemeral representation of what could be more than just the concept art of today. Perhaps it is this great truth to upset the viewer, confusing the mind and the few certainties about art that had accrued up to that point. E 'for excellence that chaos reigns nell'idrometeora consists of minute particles of water and ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere that make the work for only 10 seconds.
The exhibition closes with an impressive work of the Swiss Zimoun. A wall stands 5 meters to define this chaotic space so neatly, so linear and "clean" you acknowledge that little room with Murat. A modular wall, really lightweight, made ​​of cardboard boxes on which they move without order and without rest 250 scooters. Artmicamente, in a chaos of sound that accompanies the other continuous, quiet, works on display. "Maria Fausta Bolettieri, curator.
The works
Daniela Corbascio intervenes in the environment by providing a powerful modular wood, and repeatedly ordered arrangement of linear forms, placed in a precarious and unstable equilibrium. Louis Giandonatoprovides analysis of the linguistic sign and large monochrome canvases in opposition to the iron sculptures, large lattice cages that hold intangible items. Berndnaut Smilde operates a total dematerialisation of physical and visual elements: the exhibition space will host the indoor cloud, a cloud floating in the room Murat. Zimouncloses the scene through the intervention of sound installation that generates vibrations and chaotic noise produced by hundreds of motorbikes waving steel cables, it disrupts the mass production and mechanical control system.
It's LIQUID Group c / o Luca Curci Architects
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 33 - 70122 Bari (Italy)
+39.0805234018 | +39.3387574098 |