Sean: Hey Gerry, in the 1960’s there was a young man that graduated from the University of Michigan, did some brilliant work in mathematics, specifically bounded harmonic functions. Then he went on to Berkeley, was an assistant professor; showed amazing potential. Then he moved to Montana and he blew the competition away.
Gerry: Yeah, so who was he?
Sean: Ted Kaczynski
Good Will Hunting, 1997, Gus Van Sant
Ted Kaczynski is alternately referred to as a serial killer and a terrorist. His demand to publish his manifesto in the Washington Post and New York Times to avoid “further violence” was met and considered to be “making the right choice between bad options." His brother, reading the manifesto at the suggestion of his wife, contacted the FBI after recognizing his tone and use of the phrase, “You can’t have your cake and eat it too.”
“With the wholly uncritical treatment — nay, giddy embrace — of high technology, even to such excrescences as machine "emotions" which you develop and promote, Psychology Today has at least made it publicly plain what's intended for social life. Your dehumanizing work is a prime contribution to high tech's accelerating motion toward an ever more artificial, de-individuated, empty landscape. I believe I am not alone in the opinion that vermin such as you will one day be considered among the worst criminals this century has produced.”
(Signed) In Revulsion, John Zerzan
Kaczynski was accepted to Harvard at 16, received his PhD in mathematics from the University of Michigan and became an assistant professor at University of California Berkely in 1967, resigning after two years.
“The antitechnology Luddite movement will grow increasingly vocal and possibly resort to violence as these people become enraged over the emergence of new technologies that threaten traditional attitudes regarding the nature of human life (radical life extension, genetic engineering, cybernetics) and the supremacy of mankind (artificial intelligence). Though the Luddites might, at best, succeed in delaying the Singularity, the march of technology is irresistible and they will inevitably fail in keeping the world frozen at a fixed level of development.”
Ray Kurzweil predicting singularity in 2040.
Kaczynski currenty resides at the “Supermax” prison in Florence, Colorado with Zacarias Moussaoui, Terry Nichols, Robert Hanssen, and Larry Hoover. He lives in isolation 23.5 hours a day.
“If the system succeeds in acquiring sufficient control over human behavior quickly enough, it will probably survive. Otherwise it will break down. We think the issue will most likely be resolved within the next several decades, say 40 to 100 years.”
Ted Kaczynski