Showing posts with label Soulful orangutang. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Soulful orangutang. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Soulful Orangutang SunStorm Galleries Jamie Ellin Forbes, Booth 527 Art Expo Ny , March 23-25,

Soulful Orangutang

SunStorm Galleries 

Jamie Ellin Forbes, 
Booth 527 Art Expo Ny , March 23-25, 
Limited edition: Acrylics of varying sizes,

After cutting a   pic of an Orangutang out of a newspaper, when I was thirteen, I placed  it in my wallet. From time to time taking a glance during a dull school day , I saw the  beauty in this creature which moved me. The the moment in time where we  cross over to connect to all creatures opened.

This pic was shot at the San Diego Zoo, which  I visited with my beautiful friend, Bella Thorn after Art San Diego 2013.

The Soulful creature  below is thinking something  something. Exactly what  do not know. It was the depth of his  reflection  that moved me.

Best to all Jamie Ellin Forbes,
