Showing posts with label Smith College Museum of Art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Smith College Museum of Art. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Smith College Museum of Art, lecture: Miller Lecture: Dr. Nicole Fleetwood on Art in the Age of Mass Incarceration!

March 2023

Museum + Shop hours:

Tue–Sun | 11am–4 pm

closed: Mondays and major holidays

Miller Lecture: Dr. Nicole Fleetwood on Art in the Age of Mass Incarceration

Wednesday, March 29 | 5:30 pm

Weinstein Auditorium, Wright Hall, Smith College

Join us for the lecture on campus or via livestream.

Register here to access the livestream link:

This program will not be recorded. 

Celebrated writer, cultural theorist, curator, and art critic Dr. Nicole R. Fleetwood will discuss her project, Marking Time: Art in the Age of Mass Incarceration, which explores the impact of US incarceration on contemporary visual art. This project highlights artists who have been incarcerated alongside artists whose art examines US institutions and systems of confinement. Based on interviews with currently and formerly incarcerated artists, prison visits, and the author’s own family experiences with the penal system, Marking Time shows how the imprisoned turn ordinary objects into elaborate works of art.


SCMA programs featured in the Daily Hampshire Gazette

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SCMA e-news is produced and issued monthly by the Marketing and Communications Office of SCMA. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of content. Questions? email scmagen@smith.eduImages: Photo of Nicole Fleetwood courtesy of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.

Smith College Museum of Art | 20 Elm Street at Bedford TerraceNorthampton, MA 01063

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Smith College Museum of Art, "An Imposing Number of Times", by Amanda Williams is inspired by student-made Black Lives Matter banners. On displat now!

Northampton, MA—July 6, 2021: Two black-and-white banners by artist Amanda Williams have been unfurled on the Elm Street and campus-facing facades of the Smith College Museum of Art (SCMA). The banners represent the first part of Williams’ An Imposing Number of Times, a series of site-specific campus installations commissioned by the museum. Further installations are scheduled for fall 2021 and spring 2022.
The banners’ design and composition were inspired by student-made Black Lives Matter banners displayed on several residential houses on campus. First created by Smith students in 2017 and redone each fall, the house banners prompted Williams to reflect on language and self-determination at Smith College, a place where campus traditions and the house system play a large role in student life. Williams built the abstract composition of her banners emphasizing the texture, materiality and painterly qualities of the house banners. In one of her banners, Williams layers six words over details of three faded house banners. It reads: “live / matterful / black / lives / allies / matter.”
According to Williams, “Unfolding over space and time, An Imposing Number of Times transforms the legibility of the glyphs of the handmade BLM banners into something unrecognizable as a means of establishing their potency and liberatory potential.
“The meaning of the phrase ‘Black Lives Matter’ seems straightforward at first, yet it is elusive, ephemeral and shifting. The recitation, fragmentation and deconstruction of this phrase and its physical presence on campus via a series of installations will produce a collective bearing witness to how Blackness is navigated and valued in the specific institutional context of Smith.”

Monday, April 15, 2019

Eco-art and artists on deisplay at Smith Colledge Museum

Mid-April / 2019

what's new what's next
upcoming programs

Public Talk
by Artist Aurora Robson

Tuesday, April 16 | 5 pm
Weinstein Auditorium
Wright Hall

Contemporary multi-media artist Aurora Robson, whose sculptures are featured in Plastic Entanglements, will discuss her art practice as well as her ongoing dedication to intercepting the waste stream. She will help illustrate the nature and complexity of the plastic pollution problem while offering a specific model for academic inquiry that takes place at the intersection of art and science.
Please Be Seated: Reserved Seating for current SCMA members
Reserve by April 15 or 413.585.2777

Reducing our
Plastic Footprint:
Experiences from the European Union

Thursday, April 25 | 7 pm
Stoddard Auditorium

What lessons can we learn from the recent European Union plastic ban? How can we implement similar efforts in the U.S.? Giuliana Torta, Counsellor for Environment, Fisheries and Ocean policies at the E.U. Delegation to the U.S. in Washington DC will discuss the European plastic ban, compare the E.U. and U.S. political environments, and share strategies we can implement.

Sponsored by Connecticut River Conservancy |  
Open to all
Smith College Museum of Art
20 Elm Street at Bedford Terrace
Northampton, MA 01063
413 585 2760
Tuesday through Saturday 10-4
Thursday 10-8
Sunday 12-4
Second Friday of the month 10-8
Closed Mondays and major holidays

Friday, March 1, 2019

If your in Northampton Ma. catch the Smith College museum of Art

March 2019

what's new what's next
featured exhibition
Plastic Entanglements: Ecology, Aesthetics, Materials

Visitors enjoying Plastic Entanglements

upcoming programs
Vision and Meaning in My Art:
Nell Painter, artist and author

Free public talk & book signing

March 5 | 6:30 pm
Carroll Room, Smith Campus Center

SCMA and the Smith College Narratives Project, part of Smith's Wurtele Center for Leadership, are pleased to co-sponsor a visit to Smith by artist and author Nell Painter on 
Tuesday, March 5.

Nell Painter will speak about her book, Old in Art School: A Memoir of Starting Over, and sign copies.

SCMA recently acquired a series of eight prints by Nell Painter entitled, You Say This Can't Really Be America, 2017. These art works are currently on view on the Lower Level of the museum.

This program is free and open to all | No reservations |Presented in collaboration with the 
Smith College Narratives Project, part of Smith's Wurtele Center for Leadership
smith college museum of art
20 Elm Street at Bedford Terrace
Northampton, MA 01063
413 585 2760
Tuesday through Saturday 10-4
Thursday 10-8
Sunday 12-4
Second Friday of the month 10-8
Closed Mondays and major holidays

#fineartmagazineSmith Colledge