Berenson Fine Art has the pleasure of presenting a digital exhibition of recent works by Marco Sassone. The show, which runs from November 7th, thought December 10th, 2021, features two oil paintings and ten watercolors, in grand part created by the artist during the COVID-19 lockdown in Toronto. The Venetian Lagoon inspired this suite of watercolours with its reflective surfaces of narrow canals — a rare collection of small format works, appropriate for all those significant little spots of a collector’s home. As I reflected on the strange experience of lockdown and how I might have imagined approaching the subject in my painting, I concluded that I had no need to address those feelings of solitude and self-isolation. Instead, I thought of the quote by the writer Fyodor Dostoevsky, who said, ‘Beauty will save the world,’ and began to visualize subjects whose beauty might help soothe the soul…I found myself returning to my early years of en plein air painting…and felt an unexpected pull toward those images… A silent rhythm was established as I returned to the act of painting, and from the period of seclusion that followed, a new series emerged with a palette of lively colors and complementary brushwork. —From AMERICAN JOURNEY – My Life in Art, a memoir by Marco Sassone, soon to be published. |