Showing posts with label Kenise Barns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kenise Barns. Show all posts

Thursday, September 7, 2017

K E N I S E B A R N E S F I N E A R T Opening reception Saturday, September 16th, 6:30 - 8:00 public invited

K E N I S E  B A R N E S  F I N E  A R T
Two solo exhibitions
September 16 - October 28th, 2017      
Opening reception Saturday, September 16th, 6:30 - 8:00 public invited
C A R L O S  G A M E Z  d e  F R A N C I S C O     
Carlos Gamez de Francisco was born in post-revolutionary Cuba in 1987 in a climate of art censorship and limited access to information. He was educated in an academic style heavily influenced by the Russian Academy. This influence and the history of Cuba itself, its storytelling and history, are the lens through which the artist creates quasi-historic portraits, narratives and an illusory world. His works explores themes of power, hierarchy, perfection and beauty, repetition, decoration and obscene abundance.

Gamez de Francisco´s work is in numerous private collections in the United States, Spain, Luxembourg, Ecuador, Italy, Argentina, Costa Rica, and Mexico. The artist now lives and works in Chicago.
J U N E  G L A S S O N
The “American West” is the primary focus and artistic catalyst for June Glasson. In her multidisciplinary practice of drawing, painting, and installation art, Glasson explores and questions iconic “western” imagery. Depicting women juxtaposed with buffalo, beaver pelts or pistols, for example, sets up a visual investigation into dominant narratives about the region and narratives that often ignore its complicated and violent history. Glasson’s figurative work depicts semi-realistic representations of the women in her life, a personalized way of expressing concern for the treatment of the female figure in art and popular culture while challenging historic and contemporary notions of gender roles.
From the artist’s statement: “Simultaneously, the work reflects my personal relationship with the landscape, the people, and culture of Wyoming - a place that is both exotic and home to me.”
The artist lives and works in Wyoming. Her paintings have been exhibited in London, Berlin and in museums and galleries throughout the United States. 
visit our website

Tuesday - Saturday 10:00 - 5:30
and by appointment in the evening

914 834 8077

1st Dibs
Copyright © 2017 Kenise Barnes Fine Art, All rights reserved.
Because you love art.

Our mailing address is:
Kenise Barnes Fine Art
1947 Palmer Avenue
Larchmont, Ny  10538

Thursday, August 25, 2016

F L O W E R P O W E R ends September 2, 2016 K E N I S E B A R N E S F I N E A R T 1947 PALMER AVENUE, LARCHMONT, NEW YORK

K E N I S E  B A R N E S  F I N E  A R T

F L O W E R  P O W E R                           ends September 2, 2016

Waddy Armstrong, Charles Clary, June Edmonds, Cara Enteles, David Konigsberg, Jill Parisi, Melanie Parke, Mary Judge, Margaret Lanzetta, Roger Ricco, Francis Sills

fall exhibitions open September 17, 2016

gallery I: Melanie Parke - A Voice in Every Object

gallery II: Sarah Morejohn and Jessica Maffia - Multitude 

project space: Nan Ring - An Intimate History of Milkweed
visit our website

Tuesday - Saturday 10 - 5:30
and by appointment in the evening

914 834 8077

1st Dibs