Showing posts with label Casey Chalem Anderson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Casey Chalem Anderson. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Casey Chalem Anderson didn't like Basket Ball! So painting became her thing.

How I Turned My Teenage Frustration into Art

Casey Painting Large “Towd Point” Canvas in Oil

I never liked basketball. I spent countless hours in the schoolyard watching the guys play basketball. I resented it; why wasn’t I doing something I wanted to do? Instead, all the girls waited around in our bell-bottom jeans and hugapoo shirts. 

I was frustrated. It appeared that the important people were the guys. I’m sure this is part of what propelled me to be an artist. Being a painter is self-directed. You set up your space, grab your supplies, and get started. You don’t need a team; you get to enjoy a moment with yourself experimenting.

That is not to say there aren’t times when I’m painting of complete frustration. I wouldn’t say that painting is relaxing, not for me anyway. On the contrary, it is intense; I’m driven to make all the parts of the painting work to make it a success.

What defines a successful painting? Balance of the shapes across the canvas, luscious color, and new color combinations. My mixtures are recipes that I devise and improvise on. Every color I use is a combination of colors, very rarely straight out of the tube. Don’t get me started on the possibilities of green. You might think, ok, so mix up some yellow and blue. With all the blue paints available and yellows like Naples, Cadmium Lemon, Cadmium Medium, Yellow Ochre, and Radiant Yellow, you could spend a lifetime figuring out what effect you want to create when layers of colors are spread across the canvas.

I use my recall of how I felt at a place. I have a lifelong commitment to thinking about the spaces we inhabit at the beach. I try out colors that parallel my memory of the pleasure I experience by the water. The colors must strike a delicious chord, like falling in love. It invigorates my entire body, and I can’t stop painting while I ride that wave.

Now that’s a complete turnaround from my teen years waiting around for something to happen. There’s no waiting for anyone or anything. It’s all up to me. These days, as long as I get my painting time in, I’ve even started to appreciate basketball.

Until next time!


Interested in stopping by the studio to see paintings next time you are in Sag Harbor? Please text me 631-680-7834

Interested in beautiful seaside prints of paintings click here:



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Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Casey Chalem Anderson new work" Stopped in my Tracks"".


Stopped in my Tracks

In the 02/22/2023 edition: 
By casey on Feb 21, 2023 05:28 pm

Ocean Flow

“Ocean Flow” 24″ x 60″ oil/canvas by Casey Chalem Anderson

I couldn’t wait a moment longer. When the newly finished wood floors were dry, I removed my shoes at the door and entered in socks only. In a glance, I devoured the entire living room; the place looked fantastic. It was spare, open, soft, and gentle, exactly how I had envisioned it. But when I looked over at the space above the fireplace, I knew what was missing. I had to create the perfect painting for the room, and it had to be a five-foot-wide ocean wave.

I think art sets the tone in a room. It’s a focal point and one of the most vital elements to create the desired mood in a space. A painting gives heart and warmth to a room. It is the ultimate accessory. When a painting of the glorious color of a breaking wave vibrates and the shimmering foam seems to vanish into the sand, the meditative perception of the ocean is recreated right in your living room.

Casey Chalem Anderson


Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Catch Casey Chalem Anderson new piece, “Questioning the Sky”

asey Chalem Anderson

“Questioning the Sky”

In the 01/25/2023 edition: 
By casey on Jan 24, 2023 06:43 pm


“Questioning the Sky” 24 x 36 inches oil/canvas

I was losing energy toward the end of the day. A long one that dragged on. The entire day was drab. All along the road, the tree branches were a colorless taupe. The grass was squeezed out of any possibility of green; it looked like straw. The sky remained solid gray and icy. As I drove, I thought about how desperately I needed a cup of coffee.

And then a flash of light lit up in my rearview mirror. Ahead of me, the sky was a darker blue and oddly foreboding. I knew what was happening. The sun had just dipped below the cloud cover, and the colors were dancing. I made a complete 180 and headed toward the water to catch the show. The golds, peaches, pinks, and intense blues pulsated in the sky and the water. I was so thrilled I completely forgot I wanted coffee.

Warmly, Casey

(This painting is part of my ongoing series, “36 Views of Towd Point”)


Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Casey Chalem Anderson, shared her ne work, When the Sky Floats with our Fine Art Blogger

When the Sky Floats

By casey on Dec 13, 2022 05:55 pm

“When the Sky Floats” 30 x 40 inches oil/canvas by Casey Chalem Anderson

Living in the Hamptons after the official season has enormous benefits. Not only is the traffic thinner, but the skies put on a show of intense color not seen in the summer months. One of the many reasons I love Towd Point so much is the opportunity to witness how courageously a thin strip of land can hold ground. Surrounded by water that could engulf it at any moment, it reminds us of the delicate edge we all live on.

The sky floods with colored light, and the sea reflects all the action above. You could stand on your head to see the view upside down, and the sensation would be the same. This completed painting will be included in my ongoing “36 Views of Towd Point” series.

You can see other paintings of mine at Seagreen Designs at 68 Jobs Lane in Southampton, open every day through the season. I’m in Sag Harbor, working in my first-time officially heated studio; if you have any questions. Yay!

Romany Kramoris Gallery 41 Main Street Sag Harbor also has a few of my paintings on display through January 22

For Prints of my work, click:

Happy Holidays! (be sure to take the time to notice the Nature around you and take in a deep breath of salt air)

xo Casey


Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Last Day- Seaside Print Sale contact Casey Chalem Anderson!

If you ever wanted to get one of my seaside prints now is a great time.
It's the Last Day of ArtfullyWalls Labor Day Sale 25% off! Use code LOVEART25  Here's the link:

Need help ordering or figuring out sizes, framing etc? Please reach out to me and I'll be happy to help.
Love the beach in any season,
Copyright © 2022 CaseyArt, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because your opted into it on our website or signed up at a gallery showing.

Our mailing address is:
P.O.Box 2656
Sag Harbor, NY 11963

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

We love Casey Chalem Anderson's "You Leave Me Breathless" series.

You Leave Me Breathless

In the 08/24/2022 edition: 
By casey on Aug 23, 2022 09:01 pm

Expanse at Towd Point 24″ x36″ oil on canvas By Casey Chalem Anderson

This is that moment right before we lose the light that allows us to see color. The day is turning into night but not before a spectacular show where the sky lights up and reflects all its glory into the water. There’s a thin and fragile dark strip of land running parallel to the sunlit line of bay water.

This is the first painting of my current project “36 Views of Towd Point”. I truly love to go down there and observe the water and sky as it is always different. Lately, I’ve been listening to some mellow jazz like John Coletrain, Ben Webster (one of my Dad’s favorites), and Dexter Gordon. The mood is rhythmic and upbeat but at the same time soft. The visual and the sound together make me feel just the way I want to feel.

Don’t forget the East End Hospice Cigar Box Auction is this Saturday. See my box “Swept Away” below.  Click here for all the info: 

Until next time,


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Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Casey Chalem Anderson: Back to the Easel August, 9,2022.


Back to the Easel

In the 08/10/2022 edition: 
By casey on Aug 09, 2022 06:40 pm

“Spectacular Towd Point ” Oil on canvas 24″ x 36″ by Casey Chalem Anderson

It feels so good to be back painting in my studio where it’s cool and contained I can paint at a sustained pace. When I saw this sunset I was stunned. My spirit soared, and I experienced a sense of peace. When the sky is the water and the water the sky, you can turn the painting upside down and not be sure which way is up. I love when that happens, it is otherworldly.

I’m still working on this, it’s not complete. In fact, if you look closely, a couple of areas are untouched by the brush. I know what I must do next, but I wanted to share it. I posted a time-lapse video of me painting this on Instagram click here: IMG_6729  and check it out if you haven’t seen it yet- it’s quick and funny. (it will download, then you can play it)

While I’ve painted Towd Point many times over the years I’m embarking on a project I’m calling, “36 Views of Towd Point”. It’s an homage to Hokusai, the famous Japanese woodblock printmaker who created “36 Views of Mount Fuji”. I’m sure you are familiar with one of them, The Great Wave off Kanagawa. If you look closely you will see Mt Fuji in the distance. Towd Pointmay be my Mt Fuji.

Tsunami by hokusai 19th century.jpg

All my best, Casey

P.S. Let me know if you want to stop by and visit the studio.

*I also have paintings to see in the design shop at Seagreen Designs, 68 Job’s Lane, Southampton, NY (An inspiring place to experience elegant yet relaxed coastal design-check it out if you are in Southampton Village)  

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Friday, July 8, 2022

Casey Chalem Anderson exhibits at the Romany Kramoris Gallery July 8 - July 28 in Sag Harbor

Casey Chalem Anderson at the Romany Kramoris Gallery July 8 - July 28


Romany Kramoris Gallery

July 8 - July 28
41 Main Street 
Sag Harbor, NY 631.725.2499

I'll have some paintings in Sag Harbor at Romany Kramoris Gallery 41 Main Street, including this one, "Sunset Waiting for the Full Moon," 30in x 40in oil on canvas, capturing that time in the evening when the sky fills with color, and you can't believe it's real.
There is also a new version of the "Flower Fields at Balsam Farm", 24in x 36in.

I'll be at the reception this Saturday, July 9, 5-6:30 pm. The gallery is often open evenings, so you can stop in after dinner and browse this eclectic shop. Please stop by and say hello.



Tuesday, September 10, 2019

“725” Group Art Show at the Sag Harbor Whaling Museum, Sept. 13, 6PM

“725” Group Art Show

In the 09/10/2019 edition: 
By Casey on Sep 08, 2019 05:48 pm
“Splash” 12 x 12 inches oil/wood by Casey Chalem Anderson
The Sag Harbor Whaling Museum continues the tradition of the “725” Art Show and Sale in an exhibition curated by Michael A. Butler. “725” refers to the original telephone exchange that all Sag Harbor households had in the days before cell phones. If you haven’t been inside this building you must stop by and see the exquisitely detailed plaster ceilings and carved wooden door frames designed by 19th century architect Minard LaFever.  The  museum is a certified National Treasure and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
September 13- October 13 (the close of the season)
Please join us at the Opening Reception at Friday, September 13 @ 6:00 pm, I hope to see you there!
The Sag Harbor Whaling & Historical Museum
200 Main Street. Sag Harbor, NY 11963
Call: 631.725.0770
#sag harbor whaling museum,  fine art magazine

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Casey Chalem Anderson Spirited Wave

Casey Chalem Anderson 

Spirited Wave

In the 02/27/2018 edition: 
By Casey on Feb 27, 2018 07:44 am
"Spirited Wave" by Casey Chalem Anderson 12 x 12 oil/wood
“Spirited Wave” by Casey Chalem Anderson 12 x 12 oil/wood
Painting rapidly can capture the sensation of tumbling waves in just a few strokes. I usually take a painting to the next stage and define smaller areas but I like this bold look.  The focus is movement and soft but vibrant color combinations.
Continuing on with my series of Atlantic vs. Pacific Waves. I’m very curious to discover how they might be different.
All the best,

The post Spirited Wave appeared first on Casey Chalem Anderson.

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Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Casey Chalem Anderson's Winter Cloud Wave 12 x 12 oil on panel

Winter Cloud Wave

In the 01/02/2018 edition: 
By Casey on Jan 01, 2018 05:37 pm
Winter Cloud Wave 12 x 12 oil on panel
Winter Cloud Wave 12 x 12 oil on panel
Have you ever noticed similarities in ways that puffy cumulous clouds and waves look? Both have rounded soft edges that are molded creating depth and space. They often share similar colors: mounds of soft glowing white and delicate lavender gray shadows.
Waves and clouds are both made of water in different forms. Liquid waves explode with a super charged energy spurting skyward and then tumbling down. You can feel another movement as the wind blows against the face of the wave dispersing foam into thin wisps and fine mist.  Watch a wave in any season and it brings you into a action packed exhilarating moment.
Winter waves remind me that the ocean is powerful beyond anything that man can control.  I’m thinking about the gentle days of Spring and Summer ahead and how we will want to jump into that very same ocean.
All the best to you and Happy New Year 2018 – hoping it will bring wonderful new ideas, plans and moments!

The post Winter Cloud Wave appeared first on Casey Chalem Anderson.

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Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Casey Chalem Anderson @ Ille Art

Breath of Salt Air “Can the Ocean Be Both Calm and Forceful”? June 27, 2017

“Calm Tumble” 24″ x 24″ oil/wood
There is something hauntingly calm about this pinkish flat ocean. Then, you feel the pent up energy of the wave coming toward us full and strong.
I love how the foam of a crashing wave can be both translucent and almost solidly opaque. It explodes out of the transparency of the smooth sea.  Oil paint is perfectly suited to express this. Transparent color is brushed on thinly so you can see through to the surface underneath. Next you can load up the brush with thick pigment and drag the white foam downward. Both aspects of water conjured up by the nature of oil paint.
You can have an up close real-life look at this painting at:
Ille Arts 171 Main Street in Amagansett.  Be sure to check out my pen and ink drawings too.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

See Casey Chalem Anderson: Breath of Salt Air, 1/2,2013

Rough Surf 30 x 40 oil on canvas
When you get down to the ocean you never quite know what to expect. Will it be peaceful and flat, or rough and churned up?  The sea with its changeable and unpredictable moods will confound you every time.
It doesn’t seem to matter what kind of temper the water is in. When we take it in and watch the action, we feel better.
I like to face the waves head on so that the horizon, the waves and the shore line up in horizontal bands.  You might notice most of my wave paintings are composed this way. There is something brave in facing the tangible force of the wave that helps to strengthen the backbone.
Until next time,

Special Art Offer: This year I decided that each month I would take 10% of my art sales and donate it to a different charity that I know.  This month that charity is “Have A Heart Community Trust” in Southampton, N.Y.
They give direct emergency relief to residents of the East End of Long Island in times of crisis.