Showing posts with label Carrie Marill - Domesticated. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carrie Marill - Domesticated. Show all posts

Friday, January 3, 2014

Carrie Marill - Domesticated Exhibition Dates: April 3rd - May 17th, 2014

Lisa Sette Gallery
Carrie Marill Domesticated
Above: Carrie MarillAm I Growing or Shrinking from This?, 2014, acrylic on linen, 38" x 44"
Exhibition Dates: April 3rd - May 17th, 2014
Opening Reception with Carrie Marill
Thursday, April 3rd, 2014 from 7- 9pm
Lisa Sette Gallery is pleased to present new works by Carrie Marill, a contemporary painter whose graphic acuity is matched by her unflinching aesthetic curiosity. In a new body of work Domesticated, Marill aims her precise visual methodology toward hidden-away scenes of home and family life, transforming these tableaux into moments of pictorial intensity and formal investigation.
An avid observer of visual arrangements of all kinds, Marill’s work has drawn from a vast range of influences and traditions, from handmade quilts to suburban streetscapes. Throughout her diverse series threads a vivid and wryly confrontational aesthetic: Marill’s complete command of pattern and pigment and tendency to direct us toward stark compositional geometries is both unsettling and exhilarating.
Commenting on Domesticated, Marill remarks, “I notice that there’s not enough work out there that addresses domesticity; it’s considered a negative quality for a woman artist to talk about those things. So I decided to go there.”
In past work, Marill has been unafraid to take on a range of art-world cultural taboos, examining all manner of graphic experience, from kitsch to propaganda to the paradoxical prerogatives of high and low art. Marill acknowledges that her work is often a process of working through questions or issues graphically, with the severe and concentrated quality of her markmaking instigating further conceptual inquiry. “As an artist this is my visual way of processing the information I encounter. I don’t know the answers until the very end. Or sometimes even the questions.”
Several of Marill’s recent paintings began as odes to the Italian painter Giorgio Morandi, who spent a career portraying ceramic vessels in serene, focused still-lifes. In the process of arranging still lifes in her own studio, Marill realized her own life had become more complicated: “The Morandis were so still and quiet, and my life is not like that; it’s become messy and absurd. “I was on the Morandi expressway and got off on Guston,” quips Marill, referencing the loose, cartoony style of neo-expressionist Philip Guston.
Yet Marill’s graphic inquisitiveness and discipline still reigns supreme. It can be seen, thrillingly, in the organized riot of Am I Growing or Shrinking From This?, an image the artists describes as “stacks of laundry. Literally, folded stacks of laundry… There are a lot of beautiful patterns in that.”

Lisa Sette Gallery maintains a very active exhibition schedule, mounting approximately 10 exhibitions a year ranging in theme and genre.  For nearly 30 years, the gallery has been committed to showcasing a range of contemporary photography, sculpture, painting, installation and performance art. 
