The sixth Anglet-Bask Coast contemporary art international biennial has been named La Littorale, a name chosen to anchor this cultural event geographically. This time the event’s artistic direction has been entrusted to writer and art historian, Paul Ardenne.
With La Littorale #6 the new curator wants “selected artists to question the tensions and contradictions to which shores are now subject. This are in fact places that are sought after for the gentle lifestyle they offer as much as for being physical frontiers, limits, political spaces, bringing together stakeholders often with very different interests.” Anglet adds to these aspects the idea of an “ecological Eden, in grandiose natural surroundings”. The biennial thus restates its character as an open air exhibition, with wide open spaces for expression, where priority goes to themes linked to the complexity of the coastline: A leisure time seaside resort, a frontier contact area, a fragile rapidly evolving ecological space.
From 26th August to 2nd November 2016, La Littorale #6 offers a journey through monumental works created by artists of several different nationalities installed in emblematic locations: La Barre, the Izadia ecological park, the seafront and its green spaces as well as La Chambre d’Amour.
Ville d'Anglet - Direction de la Culture et de l’Ouverture internationale
Villa Beatrix Enea, 2 rue Albert-le-Barillier, 64600 Anglet. Tél. : 05 59 58 35 60