Showing posts with label 4th Street Fine Art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 4th Street Fine Art. Show all posts

Friday, January 3, 2014

4th Street Fine Art Presentsd 17 Local Artists

A New Year's Resolution

Reception: January 11th from 5 - 7pm

All the artists of 4th Street Fine Art will be showing their latest styles for this show.  It's time to make a New Year's resolution and set goals for 2014.  We will have wine, cheese and food to enjoy the holidays and possibly hot cider! We have a huge variety from watercolor to prints to oil to acrylic as well as jewelry. You can see the following artists:

ShawNshawN, Maggie Hurley, Korianna Kiselprice, Debbie Claussen, Joanna Ruckman, Matthew Silverberg, Sherrod Blankner, Prabin Badhia, Hallie Strock, Bernice Gross, Kim Bass, Gera Hasse, Valerie Sobel and Cindy Podren

Ann Marie Hodrick, Nuu, Elisabeth Michel-Meyruiex and Suane Beaubrun

Show dates: January 6 - 31

Architectural Abstraction
My newest style is Architectural Abstraction.  I focus the whole composition based on pre-set angles and contrast angles with sharp twisting curve and splashy imperfections.  All the works line up in 30 degree angles as an intial starting point and then branch out depending how my hand takes them.
Charasmatic Megafauna

Many charities use tigers to reel in the viewer to their cause as people identify quickly with house cats and wild cats to be able to understand the drastic need to preserve their dwindling natural habitat in Africa and Asia.

Price: $215
Size: 12 x 24 inches
Crushing the Cimbrian Colony

In 130 BC, the colony of Cimbria mutineed against the hated Roman Empire. They started to march on Rome and made it to the Po river with 300,000 men. At that point the Romans annihlated the Cimbrians and their colony of the Nordic North.

Price: $215
Size: 12 x 24 inches.
The Denver Drive
In 1986, the Cleveland Browns faced off their arch rivals the Denver Broncos. In the end of the game, Browns led, but lost to a field goal known as the Denver Drive in the last 11 seconds of the game.
Price: $270
Size: 12 x 30 inches.
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