Showing posts with label #Carolina Rodriguez Baptista. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Carolina Rodriguez Baptista. Show all posts

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Ai Weiwei MASK Join the artist in raising funds for Human Rights Watch, Refugees International, and Doctors Without Borders

Ai Weiwei MASK
Join the artist in raising funds for Human Rights Watch, Refugees International, and Doctors Without Borders
In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, celebrated artist and human rights activist Ai Weiwei has launched Ai Weiwei MASK, an art project offering face coverings hand printed with iconic images of Ai's life-long campaign for free speech and individual rights. 

All sales proceeds will benefit COVID-19 emergency humanitarian and human rights efforts led by Human Rights Watch, Refugees International, and Médicins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF).

Until June 27, Ai Weiwei MASK artworks will be available exclusively on Iconic images including those from his Study of Perspective series and Sunflower Seeds are silk-screened by hand on non-surgical cloth face masks, in the artist's studio in Berlin.
With Ai Weiwei MASK, the artist uses an object synonymous with our times—the face covering—as a canvas, and turns to a familiar medium, the internet, to provoke wide public engagement and call for citizen-led response. 

The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the deadliest threats facing humanity since World War II, and its consequences fall most heavily on children, the sick, the elderly, and the poor and marginalized, including migrants, refugees, and those living in conflict zones around the world. The world’s 71 million refugees are among the most vulnerable, and the humanitarian and human rights challenges of this pandemic are its most vivid emergency. Ai Weiwei MASK calls for a collective response from society to support the emergency COVID-19 efforts of leading humanitarian NGOs.

“The COVID-19 pandemic is a humanitarian crisis. It challenges our understanding of the 21st century and warns of dangers ahead," explains the artist. "It requires each individual to act, both alone and collectively. Our small individual acts become powerful when they are part of the social response. An individual wearing a mask makes a gesture; a society wearing masks combats a deadly virus. And a society that wears masks because of the choices of individuals, rather than because of the directive of authorities, can defy and withstand any force. No will is too small, and no act is too helpless.

Ai Weiwei MASK is curated as an independent project by Alexandra Munroe, Senior Curator of Asian Art and Senior Advisor of Global Arts at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. For further information, please contact

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Looks Like Fun: Porter Contemporary, Contemplando Solo Exhibition of Works by Carolina Rodriguez Baptista June 27 – July 27, 2013


Solo Exhibition of Works by Carolina Rodriguez Baptista

June 27 – July 27, 2013

Opening Reception: June 27, 6:30 - 8:30 PM

Contemplando, bronze, 12" x 11" x 7.5"
by Carolina Rodriguez Baptista

Opening Reception, Thursday June 27, 6:30 - 8:30 PM

The discovery of bronze led to tools, weapons and armor.
Lead by the forces of her medium, Carolina Rodriguez Baptista   follows the motion
and hardiness of the material directed by her own sense of self, femininity and strength. Baptista works through the harshness of the bronze to unearth feminine curves, tenacity and moments of self-satisfaction creating figures of action, gentleness and contemplation in her solo debut at Porter Contemporary.

Exhibition through July 27.

548 W. 28th Street
New York, New York 10001
