Wednesday, April 17, 2024

During the Venice Biennalle Carole Feuerman will be exhibiting ‘Global Travellers’ at ‘In Paradiso Café & Gallery’, in front of Giardini Biennale Entrance (Castello 1260 Giardini della Biennale, 30122 )

"Carole A. Feuerman's biography presents her as a pivotal figure in the American superrealist movement. Her unique contribution to the art world marks a significant achievement in a field that often celebrates male artists. Feuerman's journey through the art world, from her early work creating 3D illustrations for famous singers to her poignant sculptures that capture human emotion and resilience, her art showcases her versatility and deep connection to her subjects. Her ability to draw inspiration from her surroundings, whether it be her childhood memories of the beach or the struggles of immigrants, speaks of her profound empathy and observational skills. Her recognition and accolades, including awards and exhibitions at prestigious venues, underline her status in the art world. Feuerman's works not only adorn various esteemed collections and public spaces but also serve as a medium through which she engages with pressing societal themes, such as migration and human endurance. In her artist statement, Feuerman articulates a deep sense of purpose in her artistry, aiming to give a voice to the voiceless and shine a light on significant human experiences. Her commitment to reflecting on human conditions, particularly through the lens of her superrealist sculptures, allows her to connect with a broad audience, offering viewers a chance to engage in a visual and emotional dialogue with her works. Through her sculptures, Feuerman not only captures the physical likeness of her subjects, but also imbues them with a narrative depth that resonates with viewers inviting them to ponder the broader human stories behind the figures"


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