Fridge Art Fair Delivers at a Distance for May 2020 with Online Activities
Collect Goody Boxes, view a Virtual Fair Preview, and Read a Free Serial eBook
By: Fridge Art Fair
Collect Goody Boxes, view a Virtual Fair Preview, and Read a Free Serial eBook
In honor of the oneness of the world in this challenging time of a different concept of togetherness, we at Fridge Art Fair mark what would have been May Art Week in NYC by announcing some special treats we have planned for art lovers everywhere… First, a book launch!
Dedicated to 2020 graduates everywhere, Unleashed, a serialized collection of stories written by Stephanie Urdang and illustrated by Eric Ginsburg, shows unity through the eyes of humans' best friends, our dogs. This ongoing project will be released as a free limited edition download every Thursday until further notice at https://www.fridgeartfair.com/.
What can fit into the Fridge (box)? You can find out when we begin delivering our coolest goodies (small art and other creative gifts, plus sanitizing wipes). Choose from a selection of fridge exhibitors and we will deliver your box of social-distance-friendly Fridge experience. To see more about the Fridge Box and our official event launch, or place an order starting May 27th, visit https://www.fridgeartfair.com/.
Want some Fridge right now? Preview that Fridge spirit and get ready for out upcoming return to the Lower East Side in Booth 202 at the virtual Lemonade Art Fair, online art with a "twist" of podcast http://art511mag.com/2020/04/18/booth-202-fridge-art-fair/. Exhibitor and other info at http://art511mag.com/2020/03/27/the-lemonade-art-fair/.
Stephanie Urdang:
Stephanie Urdang is a writer and healer, living in New York City. She is working on a collection of short stories, details to be announced soon http://wildnatureofny.com
Eric Ginsburg:
Eric Ginsburg is well known for his soulful, painterly expressionism, mainly in the form of portraits of dogs and cats. In addition to numerous group exhibitions in the US and abroad, solo exhibitions include: Dorfman Projects, NYC; Mina Dresden Gallery, San Francisco, CA; Laundromart, Palm Beach, FL; New York Public Library; Exile, Berlin; ATM/Jason Rulnick Co., NYC; Dirt Gallery, Los Angeles, CA; Holland Tunnel, NYC; Paula Cooper's 192 Books, NYC; Gallery Onetwentyeight, NYC; and Galerie Nieuw Schotten, Haarlem, The Netherlands. Public and private collections include: Herb and Dorothy Vogel; -The National Gallery of Art; Erica Samuels; Janet Passehl -The Sol LeWitt Collection; Rosemarie Trockel; Mickey Cartin-The Cartin Collection; Elisabeth Akkerman - Francis J. Greenburger Foundation; Lisa Miller - San Francisco; Metro Pictures; Paula Cooper Gallery; The LeWitt Collection Cindy Sherman and William Wegman. http://www.worldoferic.com/
About Fridge Art Fair:
Inspired by founder Eric Ginsburg's desire to give visibility to more worthy artists at key magnet times and locations, Fridge Art Fair (the name is a play on Frieze) was born in 2013 at Lower East Side's historic first gallery, Kazuko Miyamoto's Gallery 128,. The boutique, soft sell, dog-friendly satellite fair once dubbed by Artinfo as "the baby who has refused to obey orders to stand outside the door while the adults confabulate inside," presents annual editions in Miami and New York. https://www.fridgeartfair.com/
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