Showing posts with label the coutts museum of art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the coutts museum of art. Show all posts

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Coutts Museum of Art - Photography Exhibit - "Six Shooters Shoot Kansas"

The Coutts Museum of Art will be exhibiting “Six Shooters Shoot Kansas,” a photography exhibit
showing Kansas through the lens of six of Kansas’ top photographers. The exhibit will run from April
3, 2012 to May 31, 2012, with a reception open to the public on Friday, April 6, from 5:30 pm to 8:30
pm. This reception is also running concurrently with Downtown El Dorado’s “First Friday” Artwalk.
The photographers will be on hand at the reception to meet patrons and discuss their work.

“Six Shooters Shoot Kansas” is an exhibit compiled from works by six prominent Kansas
photographers, with six pieces by each photographer. Included in the exhibit are photographers Michael
Snell of Lawrence, Dave Leiker of Emporia, Mark Feiden of Mission, John Morrison of Wichita, Scott
Bean of Manhattan, and Rod Seel of El Dorado.

“There are some stunning works in this show, portraying all different parts of Kansas,” said Jeremy
Sundgren, president of the Coutts Board of Directors. “These photographers capture Kansas in a way
that many people never see. This is a beautiful state, and this exhibit demonstrates that beauty on many

The show includes a three dozen works, from nearly all parts of the state, but also with an emphasis on
our nearby Flint Hills. All of the works are available for purchase, and signed reproductions are also
available during the show.

Says photographer Scott Bean: “We are surrounded by beauty but rarely take time to notice it. If we
aren't careful it is going to be gone before we know it. I can be so attuned to the light and shapes,
texture, and colors when I'm out photographing and feel so alive...only to be lost in the noise of our ever
increasingly complex world when I return after a session of shooting. I hope you can find some time to
get away from the rat race with me and enjoy these photographs.”

The Coutts Museum of Art, located in downtown El Dorado, Kansas is a regional destination art
museum that houses over 1,500 works of art in a historic 1917 building. The collection includes Art of
the American West, contemporary American, European, and regional Kansas art.

Contact Person:
Rod Seel, executive director