San Diego Holiday Art Festival

Call to Artists
WHAT: Juried Fine Arts & Contemporary Crafts Festival
WHERE & WHEN: San Diego Holiday Art Festival
Del Mar Fairgrounds
December 2-3-4, 2011
*Sell your work to 10,000+ quality buyers at each festival.
*Huge print, broadcast and internet advertising campaign.
*Completely juried - absolutely no imports or buy/sell allowed.
*Limited number of booths in each media category.
*All indoors; easy set-up and move-out.
*Affordable booth prices that include electricity and backdrop drape.
*Great entertainment, demonstrations and food.
We've specifically chosen one of the best shopping weekends of the year for this year's festival. Spend a profitable three days at the Holiday Art Festival in economically booming San Diego the first weekend in December. Have fun at the Del Mar Fairgrounds, not only the most popular facility in San Diego County but also in the heart of one of the highest-income regions in the area.
Everyone in greater San Diego knows about the show through our huge advertising and publicity campaigns. This includes weeks of big display ads in the area's major newspapers, plus saturation level TV, radio and Internet announcements targeted to reach our niche audience. We also hire the best event PR firm to publicize the festival. This provides the show with maximum live and news TV coverage, plus in-depth radio interviews and newspaper and magazine articles.
Year after year, American Art Festivals attract large crowds of buyers and the majority of artists have exceptional sales.
Deadline: October 20, 2011
For More Info and to obtain an application by mail: