Art in the Park
Fine Art & Craft Fair
June 2 & 3, 2012
10am - 5pm
Heckscher Park, Huntington
Rain or Shine - Free Admission
70 artists and craftspeople will show and sell original works of art
and handmade crafts such as paintings, photographs, ceramics, jewelry,
sculpture, woodwork, glasswork, wearable art, and more. Prizes will be
awarded to artists and craftspeople for superior artistry and
year, join the excitement as Long Island radio station 94X along with a
panel of judges select Huntington's First "Idol" through a talent
competition. From pre-submitted video auditions, ten finalists will
perform separately at the event for their chance to claim the title of
Huntington Idol at Art in the Park on Saturday June 2nd from 1pm to 3pm.
Contestants may submit their entries at
event will also feature live art demonstrations by Art League
instructors and live music throughout both days. Raffles will run both
days to benefit visual arts education programs at the Art League of Long