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Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Phaneendra Nath Chaturvedi - An Anthropomorphic Incarnation





Opening Reception on Tuesday 17th April 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Exhibition continues To Saturday 12th May, 2012 11 am – 07 pm

There will be a premiere of a short film
Directed by Vinod Bharadwaj & Suri Rohit
On the opening night.

Phaneendra Nath Chaturvedi | Anthropoid Owl | pencil on archival paper | 114cm x 111cm (6 panels) | 2012

Karin Weber Gallery is pleased to announce the first solo exhibition of Phaneendra Nath Chaturvedi in Hong Kong.

Phaneendra is an emerging artist currently at the forefront of contemporary art in India.  His large format multi-panel with anthropomorphic figures works are a part of our modern World, and belong equally to the exotic fantasy World of nowhere. Nuts, bolts and metallic strips seem their very essence, in lieu of blood, sweat and tears. These cross-currents of our existence touch the core of Phaneendra’s expressions in this public exposition, through these Anthropomorphic and allied images, where the benevolent man of yester years has metamorphosed into a modern man, devoid of nobility and philanthropy. His stark drawings in this exhibition, “An Anthropomorphic Incarnation”, portray brutal reality of the new incarnated man. The artist portrays a world where humanity seems to be veering dangerously down a self-willed path to extinction, with 'normalcy' being tailor-made on a daily basis to suit one's selfish needs. These anthropomorphic beings focus attention on the fakeness of beautiful appearances and the corruption that the artist believes has found its way into every aspect of contemporary human existence and interaction.

The incarnated anthropomorphic beings deeply affect the artist and enhance the viewer's experience.

About the artist

Born in Varanasi, India in 1981, the young artist Phaneendra Nath Chaturvedi did his M. F. A. in painting from College of Arts & Crafts, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Lucknow. He worked on the research grant of Lalit Kala Akademi New Delhi and awarded National Scholarship for Young Artist, Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India. Phaneendra was a visiting faculty at Lucknow College of Architecture, Lucknow. He has received 5 awards including best exhibit award of AIFACS, New Delhi. Phaneendra has held first solo exhibition at U.P.State Lalit Kala Akademi, Lucknow in 2003 and the most recent at Karen Weber Gallery, Hong Kong, 2012 including the one being at The Mint, New Delhi 2007, artist of the month (January) at saffronart. com 2008. He has participated in almost all major all India exhibitions including national exhibition of Lalit Kala Akademi for last one decade. His works have been exhibited in number of curated group shows such as Asian Young Artist held at Keumsan Art Gallery, Heyri Art Valley, Korea and Hybrid Trend, contemporary art exhibition at Hangaram Art Museum, organized Seoul Art Center, Seoul, Korea. 

Phaneendra lives and works in New Delhi, India.

About the gallery

The gallery was founded in 1995 by German-born Karin Weber, who worked for more than 15 years in the antiques and art business in London. The gallery curates and introduces the work of emerging and established Asian and Western artists. 'It is very important to us to maintain our reputation as an energetic, outgoing and accessible art gallery, to continue to inspire, interest and provide enjoyment and cultural enrichment to our collectors and the general public alike,' says Karin.

For any enquiries, please contact: Kenneth Young

Karin Weber Gallery, Ground Floor, 20 Aberdeen Street, Central, Hong Kong
Telephone number: (852) 2544 5004,
Email:, Website: