Showing posts with label art auction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art auction. Show all posts

Friday, March 2, 2012

RipStar Event

Live Rock (SOUL BLUES) and HipHop Acts: Eyezon & a people like us, Wesley Woo, Desperate Measures, Wri$tgang, The Avenues

Art Auction/ Model Auditions 9 P.M. (more visual artists welcome) 
21+ $10 @ Club Six located at 60   6th Street in SF/ cross is Market Street. 
See event page on facebook!!/events/181569338611053/
Visual Artist include Rob Jackson, Keyvan + wife,  Colin Reed Miller, Cade Burkhammer, Alan Derwin, Mc.Lenehan, Jennifer Perlmutter, Celeste, Liz Drake, kvin monster  
Hot Stuff Beauty contest Models include:  AGNES LIONG, Fadia, Angelica Meeks, Liz Brown, Caitlin A. Hudson,  Lindsay R. and several other POISE models.  To apply call (415)359-3308.   
Live Events Benefit Series
Rob Jackson, Legal Aide and founder of RipStar Art, Education, and Entertainment, announced 25 percent of all his art related profits coming from art sales, live music showcases operating from multiple venues, and sales of products including CDs, singles, books, T-shirts, stickers, or other products he releases will be directed to named non-profits.  Currently he is working to benefit the American Red Cross because he said when the tragedies kept coming, especially what happened in Japan with the Nuclear accident that followed an earthquake there, Rob said he needed to do more and he wanted to inspire others to help as well to maximize the action and get people more involved with helping each other.  Rob said, “I would not be where I’m at now if it were not for community supporting community.  If there are people suffering and we can help- we should do everything we can and supporting first responders is a good way to show we care about reducing suffering.  I feel partially responsible that Japan, like many nations including our own, tried to make use of a dangerous technology for positive uses like energy only to learn there really is no safe way to use nuclear technology.  Accidents are inevitable and storage of the waste is impractical.  He thinks its time to do away with guilt stemming from earlier periods and get off the nuclear grid altogether.  I defer to Dr. Caldicot, she makes a clear case in her book Nuclear Madness, but read Dr. Carson’s classic Silent Spring there both eye openers for sure!"

Opportunities for Artists: Bands, comedians, models, designers, visual artists and solo artists should submit press kits to be considered for upcoming live events and international radio takeover programs.

Description: Awesome music, art and fashion!  Visual artists are installing work on this night for an inexpensive art auction!

We are raising money for the Red Cross as well so down and bring some friends if you want to have a good time!
Modeling: POISE is a modeling division within RipStar.  The goal of POISE is to infuse originality and vibrancy by celebrating top new international fashion designs selected by a panel of industry specialist.  Rob Jackson said, “real fashion is not about using clothing to denote the sense of an ill perceived notion of superiority.  Aesthetics gives us a chance to exploit inherent beauty by embellishing beauty with style.  The feeling that comes from looking great helps uplift many people.  Thus, fashion is a tool that naturally extends from the same human need as other arts, the need for affection, expression and from a spectator perspective to be pleasantly entertained.”  Runway will make an exciting contribution to live events now underway!  

New Music: The 2011 new music releases from RipStar’s label available at are directed largely at film music directors and audiences with an intention of inspiring fans.  With folk, indie, dance, soul, experimental, classical, hip-hop, and spoken word, there is something exciting to discover for everyone.  Rob says, “this collection of tracks reconnects us to alternative roots.”  Also see:  Rob commented he is behind on releasing an additional 30 tracks, but aims to release them in January 2012. 

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Art in Support of Busted - Online Charity Art Auction

Busted Art Auction Show Card

Art in Support of Busted Returns for Year Two
Gallery preview
October 1, 7 - 11 pm
Mirror Gallery,  
963 Chung King Road  
Los Angeles, CA 90012  

Online eBay auction: October 1 - 10     
Busted Foundation link:  

Celebrated lowbrow artists give it up for "Boobies." Art in Support of Busted, an online art auction to benefit women battling breast cancer, returns for its second year starting on October 1. The auction launches on eBay and will be accompanied by a gallery preview reception in Los Angeles' Chinatown for artists and prospective bidders.  

Funds raised from Art in Support of Busted go directly to the Busted Foundation, a
SoCal-based charity organization that offers assistance to women fighting breast cancer.

The foundation was launched in 2007 by Stefanie LaHart and Gabriel Rountree to
provide both financial and educational support for breast cancer patients as they go
through medical treatment. Busted's signature annual fundraiser Bowling for Boobies
has raised over $400,000 in total.

Following the success of last year's inaugural auction, which raised $5,100, curator
Diana Gomez aimed to expand this year's event with a gallery preview reception. "The
gallery preview is a great way to say thank you to the amazing artists who are so
generously donating their pieces," said Gomez. "And although all the pieces are available to bidders worldwide through eBay, it's a nice perk for locals to be able to see the work firsthand prior to bidding."

This year's auction will take place from October 1-10 on eBay and features original work from artists including Ana Bagayan, Apricot Mantle, Aunia Kahn, Bad Otis Link, Bob Dob, Brandi Milne, Cate Rangel, Cathie Bleck, Chet Zar, Christopher Umana, Craig "Skibs" Barker, Dan Quintana, Edward Walton Wilcox, Greg "Craola" Simkins, Jana Brike, Jennybird Alcantara, Jessica Dalva, Jessica Ward, Liz McGrath, Mall, Martin Wittfooth, Nicole Bruckman, Shepard Fairey, Steven Daily, Tara McPherson, and Tomi Monstre.    

The gallery preview will open with a reception on October 1 from 7-11 PM at Mirror Gallery, 963 Chung King Road, Los Angeles. Please visit and for more information