Showing posts with label amdur productions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label amdur productions. Show all posts

Friday, December 21, 2012

Call to Artists - Amdur Productions

Amdur Productions

National Call for Entries
30th Anniversary Season

Eighteen Prestigious Juried Art Festivals
in Chicago, Illinois and Surrounding Suburbs, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; New Buffalo, Michigan and Hallandale Beach, Florida  
WHAT:  18 Juried Fine Art and Fine Craft Festivals

WHERE: Chicago, Illinois and Surrounding Suburbs, Milwaukee, Wisconsin and New Buffalo, Michigan and Hallandale Beach, Florida   
WHEN:  May through December, 2013   
NOTE: Deadline for Applications: January 11, 2013. Click HERE for more information and to apply now! 


*Amdur Productions is a nationally acclaimed art festival production company that has been organizing prestigious juried art festivals for 30 years.  

*Many of Amdur Productions' festivals are among Sunshine Artist magazine's 100 best, with Port Clinton Art Festival ranked at #5, Art at the Glen at #12 and Gold Coast Art Fair at #29

*Festivals are heavily advertised through newspapers & magazines, radio, television commercials, street banners, direct mail, and Facebook ads

*All festivals are supported with public relations garnering coverage through radio interviews, in-studio & on-site television segments, feature stories on artists in local newspapers and more

*Exhibiting artists receive discounted hotel room rates 

*Each festival is supported with friendly on-site staff and support  
*All festivals feature an artist break room with complimentary beverages and snacks

*Artists receive personalized festival postcards to share with their clientele

*Amdur Productions' festivals attract tens of thousands of art lovers, with the Port Clinton Art Festival and the Gold Coast Art Fair welcoming hundreds of thousands of festival-goers annually!

*Tent and electricity rental is available at all festivals
*Artists receive complete festival information packets prior to the festival season 


Amdur Barringto LOGO for CTA
*Barrington, Illinois 
*May 25 - May 26 
*130 artists!
*Booth Fee: $405; Jury Fee: $25
Amdur Millenium LOGO for CTA 2013 Millennium Art Festival 
*Chicago, Illinois 
*May 31 - June 2 (3 Days!) 
*125 artists!
*Booth Fee: $495; Jury Fee: $25
Amdur Arlington Hts LOGo for CTA 2013Promenade of Art Arlington Heights
*Ranked as one of the TOP 100 shows in the country! 
*Arlington Heights, Ilinois    
*June 8 - June 9    
*130 artists!
*Booth Fee: $450; Jury Fee: $25 
Amdur New Buffalo LOGO for CTA 2013New Buffalo ARTigras!
*New Buffalo, Michigan   
*June 15 - June 16    
*125 artists!
*Booth Fee: $450; Jury Fee: $25 
*Highland Park, Illinois   
*June 22 - June 23   
*130 artists!
*Booth Fee: $450; Jury Fee: $35 
*Ranked as one of the TOP 30 shows in the country! 
*Chicago, Illinois
*June 29 - 30 (TENTATIVE DATE)
*350 Artists
*Booth Fee: $595; Jury Fee: $35

AMdur Chgo Bot Gdn LOGO 2013Chicago Botanic Garden Art Festival 
*Glencoe, Illinois
*July 5 - July 7 (3 Days!)   
*85 artists
*Booth Fee: $625; Jury Fee: $35

Amdur Buf Gr LOGO for CTA 2013  Buffalo Grove Invitational Art Festival  
*Ranked as one of the TOP 50 shows in the country! 
*Buffalo Grove, Illinois    
*July 13- July 14   
*160 artists!
*Booth Fee: $475; Jury Fee: $25 

Amdur North Shore LOGO for CTA 2013North Shore Festival of Art Old Orchard  
*Skokie, Illinois
*July 27 - July 28  
*120 artists!
*Booth Fee: $445; Jury Fee: $25 

Amdur Glencoe LOGO for CTA 2013Glencoe Festival of Art  
*Glencoe, Illinois  
*August 3 - August 4 
*120 artists!*Booth Fee: $455; Jury Fee: $25

Amdur Art at Glen LOGO for CTA 2013Art at the Glen Town Center 
*Ranked as one of the TOP 12 shows in the country! 
*Glenview, Illinois  
*August 10 - August 11  
*200 artists!
*Booth Fee: $525; Jury Fee: $35

Amdur Lincolnshire LOGO for CTA 2013Lincolnshire Art Festival 
*Ranked as one of the TOP 100 shows in the country!  
*Lincolnshire, Illinois    
*August 17 - August 18  
*120 artists!
*Booth Fee: $430; Jury Fee: $25  

Amdur Pt Clinton LOGO for CTA 2013Port Clinton Art Festival 
*Ranked the #5 show in the country! 
*Highland Park, Illinois  
*August 24 - August 25  
*260 artists!
*Booth Fee: $760; Jury Fee: $50


  Amdur Third Ward LOGO for CTA 2013Third Ward Art Festival 
*Milwaukee, Wisconsin  
*August 31 - September 1   
*140 artists! 
*Booth Fee: $450; Jury Fee: $25 

  Amdur Downers Grove LOGO for CTA 2013Downtown Downers Grove Art Festival 
*Downers Grove, Illinois   
*September 7 - September 8   
*130 artists!  
*Booth Fee: $315; Jury Fee: $20 

Amdur Highwood LOGO for CTA 2013Highwood Last Call Art Fair 
*Highwood, Illinois   
*September 21 - September 22  
*100 artists!
*Booth Fee: $235; Jury Fee: $15 

  Amdur Inside Show LOGO for CTA 2013The Inside Show  
*Highland Park, Illinois  
*November 22 - November 24   
*40 artists!  
*Booth Fee: $750; Jury Fee: $25 

Amdur Gulfstream LOGO for CTA 2013Gulfstream Park Art Festival 
*Hallandale Beach, Florida
*December 14 - December 15
*100 Artists!
*Booth Fee: $450; Jury Fee: $25 

What to do Next!

Artists can visit and click "APPLY NOW," then follow the prompts to submit their work electronically through Juried Art Services (JAS).  All applications must be received before midnight on January 11, 2013 for consideration in this season's extraordinary line-up. Late applications accepted through January 18 for an additional fee.  

For thirty years, Amdur Productions, a nationally acclaimed arts festival production company, has organized and directed a selection of the Midwest's most prestigious juried art festivals.  In 2012, Amdur Productions expanded its geographic footprint beyond the Chicagoland area by launching new festivals in New Buffalo, Michigan; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and Hallandale Beach, Florida.  Many of Amdur's festivals are rated in Sunshine Artist magazine's top 100 with several appearing in the top 50. The Port Clinton Art Festival, Amdur Productions' premiere festival which also
celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, was ranked the number five show in the country by Sunshine Artist magazine in 2012.

If you have any questions on the jury process, 2013 festivals, or related topics, please contact the Amdur Productions office at 847-926-4300 or Caitlin, Lennette, Lindsey, Lisa and Amy are ready to take your calls Monday through Friday between 9 am and 5 pm CST.

  AMdur NEW 2012 logo

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

National Call for Entries

Amdur Productions

National Call for Entries

Chicagoland's Most Prestigious
Juried Art Festivals
Plus Two NEW Festivals in Milwaukee, WI
and New Buffalo, MI
WHAT:  17 Juried Fine Art and Fine Craft Festivals

WHERE: Chicago, IL and Surrounding Suburbs, Milwaukee, WI and New Buffalo, MI    

WHEN:  May through December, 2012   
NOTE: Deadline for Applications: January 3, 2012   


*Barrington, IL  
*May 26 - May 27  
*140 artists! 
*Chicago, IL  
*June 1 - June 3    
*130 artists!
NEW FESTIVAL - GREAT location one hour outside of Chicago! 
*New Buffalo, Michigan   
*June 16 - June17   
*130 artists!  
NEW FESTIVAL - Amdur Productions directs this well-established, 15 year old festival!  
*Highland Park, IL  
*June 23 - June 24  
*130 artists! 
*Arlington Heights, IL   
*June 23 - June 24   
*150 artists!

*Lincolnshire, IL   
*June 30 - July 1   
*120 artists! 

*Glencoe, IL
*July 6 - July 8 
*80 artists! 

*Chicago, IL 
*July 14 - July 15 
*350 artists!

*Buffalo Grove, IL    
*July 21 - July 22 
*160 artists!

North Shore Festival of Art Old Orchard - Now opening on Friday! 
*Skokie, IL 
*July 27 - July 29 
*140 artists! 

*Glencoe, IL 
*August 4 - August 5 
*120 artists!    

*Glenview, IL 
*August 11 - August 12 
*200 artists! 
*Highland Park, IL 
*August 25 - August 26 
*260 artists!   

NEW FESTIVAL - Situated in the heart of Milwaukee's fashion and art district! 
*Milwaukee, Wisconsin  
*September 1 - September 2  
*150 artists! 

*Downers Grove, IL  
*September 8 - September 9  
*120 artists! 

*Highwood, IL  
*September 15 - September 16 
*120 artists!
*Highland Park, IL 
*December 7 - 9  
*40 artists! 

For more information or to apply to the festivals, please visit

For nearly three decades, Amdur Productions, a nationally acclaimed art festival production company, has organized many of the Chicago areas' most prestigious and successful juried art festivals.  This year, the company offers new opportunities for artists with the addition of three new festivals across the Midwest: New Buffalo Artigras! in New Buffalo, Michigan; The Art Center's Festival of Fine Craft in Highland Park, Illinois; and the Third Ward Art Festival in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 

Artists can visit and click "APPLY NOW," then follow the prompts to submit their work electronically through Juried Art Services (JAS).  All applications must be received before midnight on January 3, 2012 for consideration in this season's extraordinary line-up.   

For more information call 847-926-4300 or email