The Hampton Classic is continuing its support of the Foundation with some efforts initiated last year and the addition of an exciting new program. The Classic will donate 100% of the profits from a specially designed Hampton Classic/Kevin Babington hat, which will be available in the show’s popular onsite shop. The Classic’s souvenir shop will also accept donations to the Foundation. An option to donate to the Kevin Babington Foundation will be included for exhibitors upon checkout in the horse show office.
The biggest fundraiser will be on the Classic’s final day during the Classic’s featured event, the $410,000 Hampton Classic CSI5* Grand Prix (Sunday, September 4). The Koenigsberg family has pledged to make a $5,000 donation to the Foundation for every clear round jumped in the first round of the Grand Prix with a guaranteed minimum donation of $25,000.
“We greatly appreciate Jessica and Bill Koenigsberg and their family for their generous support of the Kevin Babington Foundation,” said Shanette Barth Cohen, the Classic’s Executive Director. “The Foundation does so much to help riders who sustain catastrophic spinal injuries, and we are honored to provide opportunities for our community to give back to their fellow equestrians.”
“We wish to extend a heartfelt thank-you to the Hampton Classic and the Koenigsberg family for their incredible support,” said Papows. “We have such an amazing community where equestrians come together to help one another, and we quite literally couldn’t do any of this without those contributions.”
“I am deeply touched by all the Hampton Classic is doing to support the Foundation,” Babington said. “I especially want to thank Shanette and the Koenigsberg family for the great promotion with a donation being made for each clear round. I guess I better talk to (course designer) Alan Wade about going a little easy on them!”