DRAWING FOR ADULTS AND TEENS Before Jackson Pollock and Lee Krasner created abstract art, they drew from observation. Joyce Raimondo, Education Coordinator, presents early drawings by Pollock and Krasner, followed by hands-on activities designed to improve skills of observation. . FACE IT! Wednesday, October 19 7-8pm
Learn the basic of drawing the human head, face, and facial features. Understand universal proportions that will improve you ability to draw a portrait in one session.
Click link to Register on Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcpdO-hqzgtGdKzmR4N77a123knqXOVxDC4
ANYONE CAN DRAW! Thursday, October 20, 4-5pm Have you ever said, "I can't draw a straight line?" This workshop will show you simple techniques to improve your observational drawing skills. In this relaxed session, we will learn contour drawing skills guaranteed to improve your drawing in one hour! Supplies; mirror, three sheets of paper, pencil, sharpener, eraser.
Offered by Cutchogue New Suffolk Library
register on library website