Showing posts with label LongIsland NCR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LongIsland NCR. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Happy Summer Update from the LINCGR: LongIsland NCR Fall Schedule for Chapter Meetings, Presentations, and Classes.

Happy Summer Update from the LINCGR

LongIsland NCR Fall Schedule for Chapter Meetings,  Presentations, and Classes.
 Our New Locations are Forrest City Park, and Levittown Hall.

Add Our Schedule Dates to Your Calendar !!! We will be meeting in two Different Locations this Fall.
Read carefully to check the day of the week, and location for each meeting. We are looking forward to old, and new members going us.
Let investigate, and learn astrology together.

Forest City Park 
3099 Morgan Drive

Wantagh, NY 11793 

Google directions:

Sept. 14th Jackie Selvin, speaker on Zoom, and our chapter meeting at Forrest City Park, Wantagh. 

Levittown Hall: Eyes Of Learning Location
Levittown Hall,
201 Levittown Pkwy,
Hicksville, NY 11801

Google Directions:
October,  12, 2023 Monday 7-9 PM, 
Grace Lopez, speaker, on Zoom; and our chapter meeting will be held at  Levittown Hall.

November 13, 2023,  7-9 PM
Meet, and Greet! Let's talk Astrology. Join our discussion at Levittown & bring your chart, Levittown Hall.

December, 6, 2023, 7-9 PM
 Wednesday. Holiday meeting, Levittown Hall. 

Winter  2024, Date, and location to be announced. 
Dr. Jeanne D'Bandt

Classes, an Extra Presentations  Will Be offered by the Educational Committee at The Forest City Park. Thank you Grace Lopez, and MaryAnn Dellinger. 

All Day Classes, and meetings 11:30-2:00 PM
MaryAnn Dellinger, New to Astrology. Let's Learn the Energies of the  Astrological  Basics, and a little bit more!
September, 11, 18th.
October: 16, 23, 30th

MaryAnn Dellinger: Lets talk: The Energies of the Transits
November: 13, 20 27th

All Night Classes, and meetings 7:00-9:00 PM
Grace Lopez: Let'sTalk Solar Returns: Fine Tuning Aspects. 
 September,11,18, & Oct. 4th.

Upcoming Speakers: 

September 14, 2023, 7:00- 9:00 PM, 2023
Jackie Sevlin
Topic: Born on the Station

Presentation for attending members & Hybrid on Zoom ( zoom availability to be confirmed) 
Forest City Park, Wantagh location.

The degree on which a planet turns direction marks the beginning of another set of circumstances. Whether stationary or retrograde, the energies of the planet become magnified in a person's horoscope and characterizes their journey. Find out where it takes them. 

Jackie Slevin M.A., C.A. NCGR-PAA, author of Finding Success in the Horoscope, available on An internationally published and full-time professional Astrologer, she is the Education Director for NCGR where she hosts monthly webinars.   She  was a Track Coordinator and  Presenter at United Astrology Congress (UAC) from 1995 to 2018 and a biography writer for Lois Rodden’s Astrodatabank.  She has been featured in the New York Post, Psychology Today,  radio shows, podcasts and the Bold Brave TV Network.  Watch her show "Planet Speak" on youTube and visit her website

October, 12, 2023, 7:00-9:00 PM
Grace Lopez
Topic: THE SOLAR RETURN: Sun Conjunct Sun

Presentation for attending members & Hybrid on Zoom
Levittown Hall Location. 

Every year, the Earth makes a 584 million mile trip around the Sun.  Every person has a Zodiacal Point in their Astrological Chart to mark where the Earth was precisely situated in it's Annual Journey based on the Elliptical Longitude of the Direction of the Sun. The Sun's Longitude is identical to itself every 364.75 days.  The amount of time for the Earth to make a complete orbit.
Oct 12th Grace Lopez will present Solar Returns: See how your year may unfold with in your chart as Grace walks you thought interpreting examples of  solar charts. 
Grace Lopez:Astrologer, Certified Sound, Chakra and Crystal Healer, Certified Therapeutic Arts Life Coach, Advanced Reiki lll Practitioner, Certified,Rehabilitation Tai Chi, Kundalini Yoga/Drumming

Secretary, Head of Education Committee, National Council of Geo CosmicResearch,
Long Island Chapter, National Council of GeoCosmic Research - Long Island, NY
January 2017 to Present
Head of Committee for Astrological Education and Research, Secretary of Local Chapter National Council of Geocosmic Research (NCGR. Planning Committee Member of theUnited Astrology Conference, Chicago with 1100+ attendees. Co-managed conference room monitorsand speakers. Copywriting and Editing of Biographies and Newsletters.

 2024 Dates, and location to be announced.

Coming up: 
Date to be announced
Dr. Jeanne D'Bandt
Health Indicators in the Chart: 
 Inclusive of Planets, Patterns, Progressions, Returns, Transits, and more.
Location to be 

Join us for an analysis of the factors that contribute to health, longevity, and death in the natal chart and its movement through time and space. 
      Dr. Jeanne D'Brant has been a student and teacher of astrology for more than four decades. Jeanne has presented for  both NCGR-Long Island and for NCGR national. Voted LI’s Alternative Doctor of the Year 2009, Jeanne is a professor of biology, anatomy, and physiology and has been published in diverse fields.  She has studied Ayurveda in India, Homeopathy in Germany, and Traditional Chinese Medicine in China; her knowledge of medical astrology is a synthesis of her immersion in the influence of the planets and stars, her western medical training, and her experience of traditional healing systems. With a Sag midheaven and Jupiter in Sag in the 10th house, she has traveled in 66 countries on 6 continents and is the author of Global: A Traveler’s Tales ( 
 We look forward to seeing all members at Chapter Meetings, classes, and other presentations.  

At the door: Members $15, Non-members $20 & EventBrite registrations.
At the door: Members $15, Non-members $20 & EventBrite registrations.
Contact us: Jamie Forbes, President, Vice President, Sara Napuri-Moy, Secretary, Adrienne Mahoney, MaryAnn Dellinger, Treasurer, Grace Lopez, and Dr. Jeanne DeBrandt, advisors to the board.
