Showing posts with label Long Island NCGR Chapter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Long Island NCGR Chapter. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

The Long Island NCGR Chapter Meeting Meeting Levittown Gall Nov. 6, 7-9 PM Pre Holiday Party


A reminder to register for John Marchesella will be seen be on zoom, the meeting will be live at Levittown Hall.  
December 6, 2023, 7-9 PM

You will; receive a conformation letter with the zoom link directly after registration.  
Event Brite Registration:

Join Us for the  Pre-Holiday Season.
November 13th. 7-9 PM. Pizza, Refreshments & Socializing will be Served 😃!!!
Food Contributions welcome. 

Let's Review Conjunctions, Bring your chart!!! 
Long Island NCGR meetings are at The Eyes of Learning, Levittown Hall, 201 Levittown Parkway, Hicksville .   

Speakers: MaryAnn Dellinger, & Jamie Forbes, in person at Levittown Hall for a group discussion. 
November 13, 2023,  7-9 PM. 


Topic: Let's review conjunctions.  

Tune into conjunctions, and how their energies are emphasize in your natal cart or triggered by transits. Our presentation is targeted to all. The beginner and practicing advanced astrologer.  
Join our open, and  fun discussion. Bring your questions, thoughts and or astrological observations. Make sure to bring a pint out of your chart.  

Register on Eventbrite for Zoom:

MaryAnn Dellinger, is our LINCGR chapter Treasure, and currently offers our classes seem below. Jamie Forbes is our LINCGR Chapter President. Both are  accomplished practicing astrologers. 

Speaker: John Marchesella will be seen be on zoom, the meeting will be live at Levittown Hall.  
December 6, 2023, 7-9 PM, 

Each year has certain times of stress and challenge for all of our clients….and us!  These times can serve as a framework to help us organize our predictive work for the coming year.

In this presentation, you’ll learn when they are for 2024, and more important, you will learn what they mean and how you can work with them.
Or since this presentation is taking place on the station of Neptune, maybe it will all evaporate into thin air???!!!
It’s meant for all levels of astrology students from rank beginning on up to the professional.
Bring your questions and concerns and your sense of humor for this very down-to-earth look at the new year.

John Marchesella is long time friend of LINCGR and is glad to visit again if only on Zoom.  He is President of the New York City Chapter of NCGR as well as its Education Director.  He is a frequent speaker at conferences and a contributor to astrological publications.  And he’s looking forward to 2024!

Event Brite Registration:

You will; receive a conformation letter with the zoom link directly after registration.  
Contact John at

Levittown Hall: Eyes Of Learning Location
Levittown Hall,
201 Levittown Pkwy,
Hicksville, NY 11801
Google Directions:
Chapter meeting lecture is  $15 for members, $20 for non members.

November 13, 2023,  7-9 PM
Meet, and Greet! Let's talk Astrology. Join our discussion at Levittown & bring your chart, Levittown Hall.

Winter  2024, Date, and location to be announced. 
Dr. Jeanne D'Bandt

All Classes, and Extra Presentations Will Be offered by the Educational Committee at The Forest City Park. Thank you Grace Lopez, and MaryAnn Dellinger. 

Our LINCGR Educational committee offers dynamic learning opportunities for your personal  experience. 
 Please note  a three student minimum registration is required before we start our class with respect for our teachers. Any Questions contact:

MaryAnn Dellinger, text : 631 875 7235 , email
Grace Lopez, text 516 455 7815,

All Day Classes, and meetings 11:30-2:00 PM

MaryAnn Dellinger, New to Astrology. Let's Learn the Energies of the  Astrological  Basics, and a little bit more!
September, 11, 18th.
October: 16, 23, 30th

MaryAnn Dellinger: Lets talk: The Energies of the Transits
November: 13, 20 27th

Upcoming Speakers: 
Coming up: 
Date to be announced
Dr. Jeanne D'Bandt
Health Indicators in the Chart:  Inclusive of Planets, Patterns, Progressions, Returns, Transits, and more.
Location to be announced.

Join us for an analysis of the factors that contribute to health, longevity, and death in the natal chart and its movement through time and space. 
      Dr. Jeanne D'Brant has been a student and teacher of astrology for more than four decades. Jeanne has presented for  both NCGR-Long Island and for NCGR national. Voted LI’s Alternative Doctor of the Year 2009, Jeanne is a professor of biology, anatomy, and physiology and has been published in diverse fields.  She has studied Ayurveda in India, Homeopathy in Germany, and Traditional Chinese Medicine in China; her knowledge of medical astrology is a synthesis of her immersion in the influence of the planets and stars, her western medical training, and her experience of traditional healing systems. With a Sag midheaven and Jupiter in Sag in the 10th house, she has traveled in 66 countries on 6 continents and is the author of Global: A Traveler’s Tales ( 
 We look forward to seeing all members at Chapter Meetings, classes, and other presentations.  

At the door: Members $15, Non-members $20 & EventBrite registrations.
At the door: Members $15, Non-members $20 & EventBrite registrations.
Contact us: Jamie Forbes, President, Vice President, Sara Napuri-Moy, Secretary, Adrienne Mahoney, MaryAnn Dellinger, Treasurer, Grace Lopez, and Dr. Jeanne DeBrandt, advisors to the board.

Copyright © 2023 National Council of Geocosmic Research Long Island Chapter, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website.

Our mailing address is:
National Council of Geocosmic Research Long Island Chapter
PO Box 194
East Northport, NY 11731

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Join the Long Island NCGR for our upcoming meetings February, 16, March, 16, & April 20, 2023 !

Join the Long Island NCGR for our upcoming meetings  February, 16, March, 16, & April 20, 2023 at the Art League of long Island, 7:00-8:30 PM. 

The Sun has moved into Aquarius January 20th 2023, 3:47 EST. Mercury, and Mars are just now direct in Gemini. Uranus stations direct on January 23, 2023 (at 19° Taurus 05′) at 5:47 pm EST.!!! Get ready for change with the start of new cycles. 

Happy Chinese New Year of the 

The Aquarian new moon occurs Saturday, January 21 at 3:55 p.m. EST, marking the Eastern New Year's day/ or Te't based in the lunar calendar cycles. 

February, 16, 7-8:30 PM 
Join us for a group discussion Live at the Art League of Long Island.  
Let's talk Math & Certification A brief introduction, and a hand out suggestion sheet covering organizations providing Astrological certification, study-books for math, and interpretation.
We will look at Pluto In Aquarius: where in you chart where and when in your chart the effects will be seen!
Bring your charts, thoughts and questions.  
Pluto's ingress into Aquarius , 8:13 EDT  March 23, 2023.

March 16, 2023, 7-8:30PM.
David Perloff 
Presents Mental Chemistry: A Legacy of Marc Edmund Jones. 
Presentation Live at the Art League of Long Island & hybrid on zoom  

Astrologer Marc Edmund Jones introduced the concept of Mental Chemistry, which gives tremendous insight into how a person receives and processes information of all sorts. This is an easy-to-determine, though largely underused technique. Using charts of many public figures, we will discuss how to determine a person’s Mental Chemistry, and how to use this to better understand ourselves, our clients and the people around us.
My article on Mental Chemistry was featured in the July 2017 
issue of Dell Horoscope Magazine.

Eventbrite registration link:

April 20, 2023, 7:830 PM
Armand Diaz 

Seven Methods of Prediction: What, When, and Who?
Presentation Live at the Art League of Long Island
 & Hybrid. 

In this practical talk, we’ll survey seven methods of prediction: transits, secondary progressions, solar arc directions, solar returns, mundane transits, annual profections, and the Huber Life Clock. Each of these techniques has its own internal logic and gives a particular type of information. You’ll learn about the limits of predictions, and the importance of using a method that resonates with the client and their chart - as well as the astrologer. There will be plenty of examples, and opportunities to work with your chart. The basics of each method will be covered so that you can begin to use them immediately.

At the door: Members $15, Non-members $20 Event Brite registration to follow.
Join the NCGR and register to the Long Island Chapter at: 
In Person Meeting Meetings at Long Island Art League, 107 East Deer Park Road, Dix Hills, NY 11746, (631) 462-5400
Contact us: Jamie Forbes, President, Vice President, Sara Napuri-Moy, Secretary, Adrienne Mahoney, MaryAnn Dellinger, Treasurer.
