Showing posts with label Happy Earth Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happy Earth Day. Show all posts

Friday, April 22, 2022

Happy Earth Day from This year, the Italian Cultural Institute in Chicago!!!!

Le Voci della Natura

This year, the Italian Cultural Institute in Chicago presents a series of programs and events exploring the role of Italian art and sciences in redefining the perception of nature and ecology, through new and original perspectives.

Chemical Modeling to Design a Sustainable Energy Future
Wednesday, April 27 at 6:00pm CT
Register, Online Webinar

Producing sustainable energy solutions is a challenge for our planet. Scientists, engineers, politicians, policy makers have all to work together towards this goal. Laura Gagliardi is a computational chemist and in her research she develops theoretical chemistry models aimed at understanding and predicting fundamental chemical phenomena.

4/ Ecological Perspectives in Contemporary Italian Art
Thursday, May 5 at 6pm CT 
Register, Online Webinar

From street art to the gallery space, this lecture presents an overview of the avant-garde Italian artists whose work challenges preconceived notions of ecology and nature in order to sensitize audiences. Presented by Prof. Giovanni Aloi. 


5/ Italian Architecture: Building Sustainable Futures
Thursday, May 19 at 6pm CT
Register, Online Webinar

Presented by Prod. Giovanni Aloi, this lecture focuses on selected pioneering examples of sustainable architecture in Italy including Bosco Verticale in Milan, Bio-Casa_82 in Treviso, Explora Museum in Rome, and Giardino di Manifattura Tabacchi, Firenze, di Antonio Perazzi.


