Showing posts with label Donna Carol Martens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donna Carol Martens. Show all posts

Friday, January 13, 2023

Something diffrent! Go From the Old Earth to thes with Donna Carol Martens!

Today's LIVE Quantum Conversation

Go From the Old Earth to the New Lemuria with the Mother Goddess 
with Donna Carol Martens 

Lemurian Donna Carol will channel the Mother Goddess of Ancient and New Lemuria. Donna Carol will conduct a Group HeartThread Session where the audience members connect heart-to-heart with the Mother Goddess.

Listeners will release their attachments and history with the old earth, and energetically connect to the New Earth. Listeners will receive support and guidance on their New Earth journeys and vocations through this group session. It should last approximately 15 minutes. It will bring listeners energetically into an ascended state of being, where they will feel freedom, peace and love; essentially the energies of Lemuria.

HeartThread was invented by Flo Avevia Magdalena, a well-known American channel. Donna Carol is a certified HeartThread practitioner. HeartThread is an angelic healing modality that removes old patterns and conditioning from the physical body. It works on a cellular level through the heart field. Impressions are lifted from the back and angelic energy is brought into the area instead. New energy is processed and integrated immediately by the person receiving the healing work.

  1. Release the old earth paradigm of duality, division and fear.
  2. Embrace the New Earth reality of unity, grace and abundance.
  3. Become loving, peaceful and open-hearted in your new frequency through the Lemurian Mother Goddess
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at 11am PT /12pm MT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET / 7pm GMT
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