Showing posts with label Astrology NYC-NCGR-NYC Chapter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Astrology NYC-NCGR-NYC Chapter. Show all posts

Saturday, September 14, 2024

THe NCGR-NYC : Friday, September 27, 2024 at 7pm (Eastern Time) The Inner Life of the Astrological MandalaPresented by Claudia Bader - NCGR-PAA Level IV Counseling Astrologer, Licensed psychoanalyst and creative arts therapist!

✨ 2024 Annual Membership Meeting ✨


✨ 2024 Annual Membership Meeting ✨


Friday, September 27, 2024 at 7pm (Eastern Time)

The Inner Life of the Astrological Mandala

Presented by Claudia Bader - NCGR-PAA  Level IV Counseling Astrologer, Licensed psychoanalyst and creative arts therapist

Each year, the New York Chapter of NCGR kicks off the new season with a presentation on topical issues in astrology and in the world and about the future. And so, we have asked Claudia Bader to share her knowledge on The Inner Life of the Astrological Mandala. 

What makes the mandala form so powerful in the human psyche and how is it key how we help/are helped through astrology. What unites astrologers , no matter our orientation? Using the prism of Jung, attachment theory, psychoanalysis and art therapy, explore our divine science through the mandala archetype.  

Join us for this Zoom event, plus a chance for Q&A between Claudia Bader and attendees!  

This event is free for members, but a donation is suggested.  

Non-member fee is $10.  

Make a donation:             

Use the link below to join the Zoom meeting:

Passcode: 434731

Note: You may need to download the Zoom application.

We look forward to seeing you on the 27th!




Each year, the New York Chapter of NCGR kicks off the new season with a presentation on topical issues in astrology and in the world and about the future. And so, we have asked Claudia Bader to share her knowledge on The Inner Life of the Astrological Mandala. 

What makes the mandala form so powerful in the human psyche and how is it key how we help/are helped through astrology. What unites astrologers , no matter our orientation? Using the prism of Jung, attachment theory, psychoanalysis and art therapy, explore our divine science through the mandala archetype.  

Join us for this Zoom event, plus a chance for Q&A between Claudia Bader and attendees!  

This event is free for members, but a donation is suggested.  
Non-member fee is $10.  
Make a donation:             

Use the link below to join the Zoom meeting:
Passcode: 434731

Note: You may need to download the Zoom application.

We look forward to seeing you on the 27th!



Wednesday, March 1, 2023

International Astrology Day: Celebrate with the NCGR-NYC Chapter March, 24, 2023 Zoom Event 7-8:30

Astrology NYC - NCGR-NYC Chapter 


 Astrology Day 2023 Event

A Membership Drive for NCGR-NYC
FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 7 – 8:30 P.M. Eastern Time
A Zoom Event
including Annual Membership or Renewal in NCGR-NYC
A Look at Pluto in Aquarius
Christopher Renstrom
A Utopia is an imagined society where life is perfect.
Strong on aspiration,
Utopias often ignore the consequences of those hopes and wishes.
In this lecture, we will examine the role that Pluto in Aquarius 
will play in our competing visions of the perfect society 
and what might play out over the next 20 years.
is the creator of and online astrology site,
based on his bestselling book, Ruling Planets.
He currently writes the daily horoscopes for
Renstrom also lectures on the history of astrology in America
from pre-Revolution to modern times.
Christopher’s latest books, The Cosmic Calendar and
Rise and Shine: An Astrological Guide to How You Show Up in the World,
are both published by TarcherPerigee.
Christopher is also the weekly horoscope columnist for Astrology Hub and 
appears on their YouTube show, Horoscope Highlights.
Renstrom runs weekly IGLives on his Instagram account
*     *     *
   $55 for lecture and annual membership/renewal!
This will be a membership drive for the New York City chapter of NCGR.
The pandemic was hard on our membership numbers,
so to help bring back those pre-COVID numbers,
we hope you will use this event to join or renew as a member.
Once you register for $55, you will be contacted by our Membership Secretary,
Howard Moore, for details on membership info.
New memberships go into effect immediately.
Renewals will automatically take place when they are due.
This new or renewal annual dues will also include an issue of “The Ingress” on 
Pluto from Leo through Capricorn from some leading astrologers of our community
Michael Lutin
Lynn Bell
Rachel Lang
Meira Epstein
John Marchesella
Wendy Stacey
March 24, 2023, is the first full day of Pluto in Aquarius.
Come celebrate and learn with your astrology friends
And support the NCGR-NYC community!
Your membership also entitles you to discounted fees
on our spring conference to be held on
An in-person and Zoom event
Topics and speakers to be announced
Stay tuned!
Copyright © 2023 National Council for Geocosmic Research - NYC Chapter, All rights reserved. 
You are receiving this email because you are a member or you joined our email list. 

Our mailing address is: 
National Council for Geocosmic Research - NYC Chapter
319 W 19th Street - Ground Floor
New York, NY 10011-3901