Towson Chamber of Commerce
45th Annual Towsontown
Spring Festival
Call to Artists
What: 45th Annual Towsontown Spring Festival 2012
Where: Towson, MD Courthouse Square & Surrounding Streets
When: Saturday, May 5th (10-7pm) & Sunday, May 6th (1-7pm)
is a banner year for the Towsontown Spring Festival - we are
celebrating the fesetival's 45th anniversary! Our festival has grown
from a small street side event to the largest outdoor festival in
Maryland and one of the largest on the East Coast. Well over 250,000
visitors patronize the two day event that offers more than 450 vendors,
four entertainment stages with over 50 acts and numerous national
event draws patrons from a six state area including Washington, D.C.,
Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey
and beyond. Locally, all five major T.V. broadcasting stations cover our
event, advertising it a week before and then having live coverage
during the actual event.
addition, we have made arrangements for all 15 local radio stations to
have a presence at the festival in exchange for one week of heavy
promotion during their prime advertising hours. Our three local
newspapers also feature human interest stories relating to the festival
the week prior to the festival.
makes our event so unique is that there is truly something here for
everyone. Our aim is to enhance this wonderful Towson tradition by
emphasizing a strengthening of family values and community spirit while
appealing to all ages. Because of that, your marketing "audience" is
quite diversified. From families with small children to senior citizens -
the Towson festival draws them all. And with over 25 colleges within a
25 mile radius of Towson the festival provides relief from those end of
the year "finals." For them, the Towson festival is a "must attend
Special Appearance! FREE UNCLE JACK CONCERT-May 4th (5:30-9pm) Circuit Courthouse Plaza. Enjoy some Funk * Disco * Motown to kick off the Big Event!
For more details and application, please visit:
Or call: 410-825-1144
Special Appearance! FREE UNCLE JACK CONCERT-May 4th (5:30-9pm) Circuit Courthouse Plaza. Enjoy some Funk * Disco * Motown to kick off the Big Event!
For more details and application, please visit: www.towsontownspringfestival.
Or call: 410-825-1144