Tuesday, July 18, 2023

All three locations: The Hole through August 22, 2023




JONNY NIESCHE| Fundación la Nave Salinas

Opening July 15th, 2023, 7-9 pm
Carrer la Canal-2, 07818 Eivissa, Illes Balears, Spain

With a breathtaking site-specific installation, Ibiza-based La Nave Salinas Foundation celebrates the work of Jonny Niesche (Sydney, Australia, 1972) whose work channels romanticism in terms of discourse in the same way that it speaks of sunset palettes or glam rock aesthetics. His work stars in the annual exhibition of the Ibizan Foundation from July 15th through the end of October. The Foundation is an institution committed to presenting different artistic languages ​​to new audiences in an unexpected setting: an old salt warehouse at the foot of Las Salinas beach.


THE HOLE | Contemporary Art Now Ibiza 2023

July 12th–16th, 2023
Ctra. d'Eivissa a Sant Antoni, 07800 IBIZA

The Hole is proud to announce our participation in CAN Ibiza, presenting works by Bob Baxter, Felix Treadwell, Heesoo Kim, Jonny Niesche, Katia Lifshin, Kelly Shami, KPE Innocent, Larissa De Jesus, Matthew Hansel, Misaki Kawai, Pedro Pedro, and Viltė Fuller.

Email our sales team to request a pricelist: sales@thehole.com

THE HOLE | Tokyo Gendai 2023

July 6th-9th 2023
1-1-1, Minato Mirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama 220-0012, Japan

The Hole is proud to have participated in the first Tokyo Gendai. Inside an immersive painted installation by Mathew Zefeldt, we presented works by Bryant Girsch, Eric Shaw, Katia Lifshin, Katsu Sawada, Mathew Zefeldt, Matthew Stone, Michael Staniak, Ry David Bradley and Vickie Vainionpää.

Email our sales team to request a pricelist: sales@thehole.com



July 21st–23rd, 2023
111 Water Street, Catskill, NY, 12414

The Hole is proud to announce our participation in NADA Foreland, presenting Cupid Triumphant, 2022, a monumental Carrara marble sculpture by Adam Parker Smith.

Friday, July 21, 11am–6pm
Saturday, July 22, 11am–8pm
Sunday, July 23, 11am–6pm

Email our sales team for pricelist: sales@thehole.com
NADA Foreland's website has information for attendees



THE HOLE | Los Angeles Times
By Jessica Gelt

Kathy Grayson stares intently at several large paintings, trying to decide whether they complement one another on a vast wall in front of her. She absent-mindedly twists her light purple hair on either side of her face and ties it in a knot under her chin like a bonnet. It stays there for a moment before falling into place again on her shoulders.

“I don’t know if this works,” she says of an abstract work imbued with deep gray hues. “It might be too dark.”

Grayson stands on the polished concrete floor in the middle of her contemporary art gallery, The Hole, which opened an outpost on La Brea Avenue in Los Angeles a little over a year ago. This is Grayson’s third location. She opened her first in the Bowery in New York City in 2010 and another in TriBeCa in 2021.

On this temperate Friday afternoon, Grayson is overseeing the installation of a group show called “Storage Wars” — a nod to the A&E auction-battle TV competition series — which is set to open the following night. A crew of about six workers bustles around the space, and the sound of screws being drilled into plaster shreds the air. The 9,000-square-foot gallery is filled with plywood shipping crates designed to hold, protect and transport fine art.

Read more at the Los Angeles Times



June 24th–August 19th, 2023
844 N. La Brea Avenue, Los Angeles
more info here

June 21st–August 22nd, 2023

312 Bowery & 86 Walker Street, New York
more info here


June 21st–August 22nd, 2023

312 Bowery & 86 Walker Street, New York
more info here

Email our sales team at sales@thehole.com for available works and information about our shows. 

312 Bowery, New York 10012
Wednesday - Sunday 12-7pm
(212) 466-1100

86 Walker Street, New York 10013
Tuesday - Saturday 11am-6pm
(212) 343-3100

844 N. La Brea Avenue, Los Angeles 90038
Tuesday - Saturday 11am-6pm
(323) 297-3288