The fair continues until 11:59pm tonight, and there is much to see and do!
Join us at 12:00pm EDT for a conversation with artist Tsedaye Makonnen and curator Niama Safia Sandy. Makonnen, presenting a solo booth with Addis Fine Art, is a multidisciplinary artist whose studio, curatorial, and research-based practice threads together her identity as a daughter of Ethiopian immigrants, a Black American woman, doula, and a mother. Her work is both an intimate memorialization and a protective sanctuary for Black lives.
Read more about Makonnen and Sandy and register for the talk
In addition, we are pleased to offer two live tours of the fair this afternoon.
At 1:30pm EDT, Head of Exhibitor Relations Krysta Eder will be joined by Mélanie Faure, Director of Sales, Shulamit Nazarian, Los Angeles to discuss the gallery's booth presentation along with other fair highlights. Register
At 3:00pm EDT, Artist TR Ericsson will discuss his solo booth presentation with Harlan Levey Projects. Ericsson's epic mixed-media project “Crackle & Drag” is a life’s work, which takes on challenging social issues and existential concerns in an extremely intimate and vulnerable exploration of family history. Working in a variety of mediums Ericsson’s deadpan photo-conceptualism has a graphic sensibility that often combines conventional printing technologies with surprising material and process twists that reflect the DIY punk spirit of his youth, as well as his training as a painter, printmaker and draughtsman. Register
Below, view a selection of works presented by Latin American galleries selected by Artistic Director Omar López-Chahoud. Click on the images below to view the works on the gallery pages.
We hope you enjoy the fair today!
The team at UNTITLED, ART