Speaker: John Marchesella Topic: “PANDEMICS! WORLD WARS! CLIMATE CHANGE INFLATION! ”. At 7:00- 8:30 PM The Astrological Reading in the Times of Chaos John will speak on the current chaos of the world is driving people to mental health counselors and spiritual advisors like crazy! And astrologers are in the unique position to provide both. Learn the techniques, issues and styles of reading for clients’ concerns and needs as well as for your own well-being, balance and productivity. This is a Hybrid meeting for members at the Art League , and John will Zoom in from his location. Contact John at http://www.astrojohn.comEvent Registration https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dec-15-john-marchesellapandemics-world-wars-climate-change-inflation-tickets-459088294447Up Coming Speaker Dates. David Perloff Mental Chemistry: A Legacy of Marc Edmund Jones. Presentation Live at the Art League of Long March 16, 2023, 7-8:30PM. Astrologer Marc Edmund Jones introduced the concept of Mental Chemistry, which gives tremendous insight into how a person receives and processes information of all sorts. This is an easy-to-determine, though largely underused technique. Using charts of many public figures, we will discuss how to determine a person’s Mental Chemistry, and how to use this to better understand ourselves, our clients and the people around us. My article on Mental Chemistry was featured in the July 2017 issue of Dell Horoscope Magazine. Website: https://davidperloffastrology.com/Armand Diaz Seven Methods of Prediction: What, When, and Who? Presentation Live at the Art League of Long Island
 April 20, 2023, 7:830 PM In this practical talk, we’ll survey seven methods of prediction: transits, secondary progressions, solar arc directions, solar returns, mundane transits, annual profections, and the Huber Life Clock. Each of these techniques has its own internal logic and gives a particular type of information. You’ll learn about the limits of predictions, and the importance of using a method that resonates with the client and their chart - as well as the astrologer. There will be plenty of examples, and opportunities to work with your chart. The basics of each method will be covered so that you can begin to use them immediately. Website: https://www.integralastrology.net/At the door: Members $15, Non-members $20 Event Brite registration to follow.Join the NCGR and register to the Long Island Chapter at: Geocosmic.org In Person Meeting Meetings at Long Island Art League, 107 East Deer Park Road, Dix Hills, NY 11746, (631) 462-5400Contact us: LongIslandncgr@gmail.com Jamie Forbes, President, Grace Lopez, Acting Secretary, MaryAnn Dellinger, Treasurer. Advisors to our board Lenore Graffmuller, and Jeanne D’Brant. https://longislandncgr.org |