Showing posts with label Long Island NCGR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Long Island NCGR. Show all posts

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Long Island NCGR Winter-Spring 2024 Schedule, Happy New Moon in Capricorn New Moon on Thursday, January 11, 2024, at 20°44′ 6:47 EDT. Set your goals,& new intentions to accomplish the positive creative visions you have in mind.

Happy New Moon in Capricorn
New Moon on Thursday, January 11, 2024, at 20°44′ 6:47 EDT.
Set your goals,& new intentions to accomplish the positive creative visions you have in mind. 

 All Our Chapter Meetings will be held in-person Monday Evenings 7:00-9:00 PM, January, through June, 2024 at Levittown Hall.
All Classes at Forrest City Park Through May 2024, See Times & Days below. 

January 22, 2024, Let's kick off our New Year.
Group Meeting 7-9 PM, in person at Levittown Hall. 

Topic: What to look for in Astrological Possibilities for 2024. Bring your thoughtsquestions, and charts. 
Light refreshments served. All are welcome to contribute light refreshments. 

February 26th Meeting topic to be announced 7-9 PM 

March 18, 2024, 7-9PM Levittown Hall Live. 
Speaker: Loretta Ames,

MS. Ames has been a Practicing astrologer since 1991 – Member of the Astrological Research Guild – ARG in Orlando. President 2000 – 2001.
Topic: Transits of the Outer Planets - Astrology is all about timing!  The transiting planets when they connect with your natal chart planets, set events in motion in your life.  This is especially true with the outer planets – Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. See what the future holds for you. Contact Loretta Ames:

May 20, 2024, 7-9 PM  join our in person meeting and meet Ray Grasse who will be presented on Zoom.
Speaker: Ray Grasse 

Ray Grasse has been associate editor of the Mountain Astrologer magazine for over 20 years, and is author of nine books, including The Waking Dream, An Infinity of Gods, and When the Stars Align. About Ray’s work, author and editor Richard Smoley says, “Ray Grasse is one of the hidden geniuses of contemporary spirituality."

Topic: Simple Tips from a Long-Term Astrologer. 
In this talk Ray will share a wide range of interpretative insights and counseling tips he’s gathered from 50 years of experience as a working astrologer, as well as from his studies with various teachers in the field. Feel free to bring your own insights and tips to share as well. As a resource Ray's most recent book, So, What Am I Doing Here, Anyway?, is a thought-provoking collection of essays ranging from practical tips for astrologers to philosophical explorations of synchronicity, science, and spirituality. His lecture this evening is based on one of the chapters in the book. Contact Ray Grasse at

All meeting dates for 2024
January, 22, February, 26, March,18, April 29, May 20, 2024, 
Light Refreshments served. Contributions welcome. 

Levittown Hall,
201 Levittown Pkwy,
Hicksville, NY 11801
Google Directions:
 Chapter meeting lecture: $15 for members,$20 for non members.

Class Schedules: Are you Curious? Let's Investigate Astrology together!

The Long Island NCGR is Happy to offer classes to all who would like to learn, and understand the Art of Astrology. 

All Classes, and Extra Presentations Will Be offered by the Educational Committee at  Forest City Park, Wantagh. Thank you Grace Lopez, committee chairperson. 

Our LINCGR Educational committee offers dynamic learning opportunities for your personal astrological growth experience. Thank you Grace for your past , and current assistance/help in organizing our  Winter Spring Term schedule.
Please note  a three student minimum registration is required before we start our classes Any Questions contact:

MaryAnn Dellinger, text : 631 875 7235 email
Jamie Forbes, Text: 631 827 7424, email

MaryAnn Dellinger continues her successful classes Monday's 11:30AM-2:00PM:
 The Energies of the Transits for  2024.
Winter Spring  Day Class Schedule Dates:
All Monday Classes,  11:30-2:00 PM
MaryAnn Dellinger

Class Dates: January, 22,29, February, 5,12,19,26,March,4,11,18,25
April, 1,8,15,22,29, May, 6,13,20, June, 3,10,19,24

Jamie Forbes will introduce Wednesday Evening Classes 6-8:30
Simple Introduction to Math: Astrological chart construction, and analysis. 
This is a casual class with no stress.
If you can follow a recipe, or balance a check book you will understand this class. 

Winter Spring Evening Classe Schedule Dates:
All Wednesday Classes  6:00-8:30 PM 
Jamie Forbes

Class Dates: January, 17, 24, 31, February 7, 14,  21,28, March 6, 13, 20, 27, April 3, 10, 17,24, May 8, 15, 22, 29

 Books sourced below.  
The Only Way to Learn Astrology, Volume 2, Third Edition Paperback – October 19, 2009
by Marion D. March (Author), Joan McEvers (Author)
 Simply Math: A Comprehensive Guide to Easy & Accurate Chart Calculation
by Lauran Fowks and Lynn Sellon | Jan 25, 2006
Books are available on Amazon.  
to be announced.
 We look forward to seeing all members at Chapter Meetings, classes, and other presentations.  
At the door: Members $15, Non-members $20 & EventBrite registrations.
At the door: Members $15, Non-members $20 & EventBrite registrations.
Contact us: Jamie Forbes, President, Vice President, Sara Napuri-Moy, Secretary, Adrienne Mahoney, MaryAnn Dellinger, Treasurer, Grace Lopez, Chris Thomas, and Dr. Jeanne DeBrandt, advisors to the board.


Copyright © 2024 National Council of Geocosmic Research Long Island Chapter, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website.

Our mailing address is:
National Council of Geocosmic Research Long Island Chapter
PO Box 194
East Northport, NY 11731

Friday, September 29, 2023

Hi all, You're invited to the Log Island NCGR meeting October 12th, 2023, 7:00- 9:00 PM, 2023, Hi all, You're invited to the Log Island NCGR meeting at The Eyes of Learning, LevittownHall, 201 Levittown Parkway, Hicksville . October 12th, 2023, 7:00- 9:00 PM, 2023 Topic: Aspects: what’s coming next? Saturn Stations Direct! Speaker: MaryAnn Dellinger

Hi all, You're invited to the Log Island NCGR meeting at The Eyes of Learning, LevittownHall, 201 Levittown Parkway, Hicksville .   

October 12th,  2023, 7:00- 9:00 PM, 2023
Aspects: what’s coming next? Saturn Stations Direct!
 Speaker: MaryAnn Dellinger 

Aspects: what’s coming next? Saturn Stations Direct November 4, 2023, at 8.26 hrs.  How are the energies of the aspects, and transitions may manifest generally. Bring your chart individual and general Questions will be answered at the end of the lecture. 

MaryAnn holds a Certificate of Achievement and Fellowship from the Fred MansBridge Metaphysical Healing Foundation for her study in psychic development in conjunction with New Life Awareness. The Reverend MaryAnn Dellinger is ordained in The Order of Melchizedek, and is an  Associate pastor of the Sanctuary of the Beloved, Inc. of the State of New York. In addition, she practices past life regression. MaryAnn studied with Dick and Tara Sutphen earning her Certificate in Psychic Phenomenon and Past Life Regression, and a Hypnosis certificate through Lavelle.

Her metaphysical studies include American Indian Medicine initially with Wallace Black Elk, and Twylah Nitsch of the Wolf Clan. She received her colors studying with Twylah. She is a certified Reiki practitioner of JIKIDEN REIKI, registered in Japan. She also holds Certificates of Completion from the Center for Applied Jungian Studies - The Jungian Mystery School and the Magnum Opus: Citrinitas. She is certified in End-of-Life Doula Intensive Training.  MaryAnn holds two black belts in two different Japanese Martial Arts Systems earning them in Japan. MaryAnn has traveled the world extensively in search of learning her metaphysical pursuits, and interests.

MaryAnn writes three columns monthly on Astrological predictions for the Long Island Publications GEM Magazine, The Village Connection, and Aces Magazine. Artistically she has been a ballet dancer and dances Yangi, which is an oriental dance. MaryAnn has been a backup singer and used to manage the band (John Kelvin, Solo Artist).She is the Treasurer of The Long Island Chapter of The National Council of Geocosmic Research; and as a qualified Astrologer for over 30 years utilizes the tools of the past, and present to practice her ancient Art as she gives classes and does her readings.

EventBrite on line registration:

Contact MaryAnn Delinger:

Levittown Hall: Eyes Of Learning Location
Levittown Hall,
201 Levittown Pkwy,
Hicksville, NY 11801
Google Directions:
Chapter meeting lecture is  $15 for members, $20 for non members.

November 13, 2023,  7-9 PM
Meet, and Greet! Let's talk Astrology. Join our discussion at Levittown & bring your chart, Levittown Hall.

December, 6, 2023, 7-9 PM
 Wednesday. Holiday meeting, Levittown Hall. 

Winter  2024, Date, and location to be announced. 
Dr. Jeanne D'Bandt

All Classes, and Extra Presentations Will Be offered by the Educational Committee at The Forest City Park. Thank you Grace Lopez, and MaryAnn Dellinger. 

Our LINCGR Educational committee offers dynamic learning opportunities for your personal  experience. 
 Please note  a three student minimum registration is required before we start our class with respect for our teachers. Any Questions contact:

MaryAnn Dellinger, text : 631 875 7235 , email
Grace Lopez, text 516 455 7815,

All Day Classes, and meetings 11:30-2:00 PM

MaryAnn Dellinger, New to Astrology. Let's Learn the Energies of the  Astrological  Basics, and a little bit more!
September, 11, 18th.
October: 16, 23, 30th

MaryAnn Dellinger: Lets talk: The Energies of the Transits
November: 13, 20 27th

Upcoming Speakers: 
Coming up: 
Date to be announced
Dr. Jeanne D'Bandt
Health Indicators in the Chart:  Inclusive of Planets, Patterns, Progressions, Returns, Transits, and more.
Location to be announced.

Join us for an analysis of the factors that contribute to health, longevity, and death in the natal chart and its movement through time and space. 
      Dr. Jeanne D'Brant has been a student and teacher of astrology for more than four decades. Jeanne has presented for  both NCGR-Long Island and for NCGR national. Voted LI’s Alternative Doctor of the Year 2009, Jeanne is a professor of biology, anatomy, and physiology and has been published in diverse fields.  She has studied Ayurveda in India, Homeopathy in Germany, and Traditional Chinese Medicine in China; her knowledge of medical astrology is a synthesis of her immersion in the influence of the planets and stars, her western medical training, and her experience of traditional healing systems. With a Sag midheaven and Jupiter in Sag in the 10th house, she has traveled in 66 countries on 6 continents and is the author of Global: A Traveler’s Tales ( 
 We look forward to seeing all members at Chapter Meetings, classes, and other presentations.  

At the door: Members $15, Non-members $20 & EventBrite registrations.
At the door: Members $15, Non-members $20 & EventBrite registrations.
Contact us: Jamie Forbes, President, Vice President, Sara Napuri-Moy, Secretary, Adrienne Mahoney, MaryAnn Dellinger, Treasurer, Grace Lopez, and Dr. Jeanne DeBrandt, advisors to the board.

Copyright © 2023 National Council of Geocosmic Research Long Island Chapter, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website.

Our mailing address is:
National Council of Geocosmic Research Long Island Chapter
PO Box 194
East Northport, NY 11731

Monday, April 17, 2023

Join the Long Island NCGR at the THE EYES OF LEARNING SPRING FESTIVAL Sunday, April 23, 2023 from 11AM to 5PM

It's The Eyes of Learning's 40th Anniversary!

Come celebrate with us at our lectures and on
April 23rd for our Spring Festival.

If you're interested in becoming a vendor

Sunday, April 23, 2023 from 11AM to 5PM




Fill your day shopping at the large variety of vendors

and listen to a lecture ~ both free with admission.

Admission: $5.00

Readings: $25.00

• Purchase a psychic reading

• Take a chance on a raffle.

• Snacks, food and drinks will be available.

• Spend a day with “like minded individuals” and make new friends

• Free Lectures (times to be decided)

Pat Anderson…Guided Meditation with Laura Cerrano Soulful Sound Healing

Daniel Akner…All things Metaphysical

Winter Brook...Spirit Guides

Steve Interrante...Aligning, Healing & Connecting Powers of Sound Frequencies

Levittown Hall
201 Levittown Parkway
Hicksville N.Y. 11801 (Behind the Pool)

Check out our website and

(You do not need to be a member of the organization)


Saturday, March 25, 2023

Join the Long Island NCGR, April 20, 2023 at the Art League of Long Island, 7:00-8:30 PM for Armand Diaz

Happy International Astrology Day, March 24, 2023
Join the Long Island NCGR, April 20, 2023 
at the Art League of Long Island, 7:00-8:30 PM 


 April 20, 2023, 7:830 PM
Armand Diaz 

Topic: Soul Mates, Twin Souls, and Twin Flames: The Astrology of Powerful Relationships
Presentation Live at the Art League of Long Island & Hybrid on Zoo

We hear a lot about soul mates, twin souls, and twin flames, but these relationship categories are hardly well defined. What they share is a powerful sense of meaning that transcends ordinary connections, and while they are always important, many times they are not easy. Sharing the results of ongoing research, we’ll look at some of the key astrological aspects between charts that indicate past lives together and ‘fated’ meetings. We’ll also explore what astrology has to say about these different categories of partnership and how to work within them. Some basic knowledge of astrology is helpful, but this talk is appropriate for beginning to advanced students and professionals.

Armand M. Diaz, Ph.D., approaches astrology consultations by creating a supportive context for self-exploration, to help clients make decisions which are in harmony with their greatest potential. Armand is certified as a Consulting Astrologer by the National Council for Geocosmic Research - Professional Astrologers Association (NCGR-PAA), and is also a member of the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR).Armand earned a bachelor’s degree (in psychology) from Columbia, and a master’s at Hofstra. His doctorate is in Transformative Studies at the California Institute of Integral Studies, where he won an Esalen Scholarship for his study the lives of psychic-mediums.Website:

EventBrite Registration link: 

May 18, 2023, 7:00- 8:30 PM, 2023
Jamie Forbes
Topic: Astrology Basics: Depositor, and Final Depositors. 

Presentation Live at the Art League of Long Island & Hybrid on Zoom 

Applying dispositors, and final dispositors is a simple astrological technique adding color, and depth to your interpretations. Viewing the sign, planet, and house of the dispositors lends a quick understanding of energies emphasized with in a chart. Constructing a dispositor tree, describing the emphasis enables the possibilities, and direction in charts easily read as the descriptive energies unfold. I love Astrology, and hope to share with you  an understanding of dispositors as an astrological technique.

Jamie Forbes: Publisher of Fine Art Magazine, writer, photographer, film producer, and astrologer. Her photographs observe climate change within the landscapes relative to astronomical and astrological cycles of time. She received her BA and MA from SUNY. Jamie is the current president of the Long Island NCGR. Alternative continuing education:  NCGR Level1, and the Center of Applied Jungian Studies, courses: Sacred Marriage, Jungian Mystery School, Conscious Living Program, and Cintrinitas, 2022, Anima, Animus. 

September 15, 2023, 7:00- 8:30 PM, 2023
Jackie Sevlin
Topic: Born on the Station

Presentation for attending members screened at the Art League of Long Island & Hybrid on Zoom

The degree on which a planet turns direction marks the beginning of another set of circumstances. Whether stationary or retrograde, the energies of the planet become magnified in a person's horoscope and characterizes their journey. Find out where it takes them. 

Jackie Slevin M.A., C.A. NCGR-PAA, author of Finding Success in the Horoscope, available on An internationally published and full-time professional Astrologer, she is the Education Director for NCGR where she hosts monthly webinars.   She  was a Track Coordinator and  Presenter at United Astrology Congress (UAC) from 1995 to 2018 and a biography writer for Lois Rodden’s Astrodatabank.  She has been featured in the New York Post, Psychology Today,  radio shows, podcasts and the Bold Brave TV Network.  Watch her show "Planet Speak" on youTube and visit her website

At the door: Members $15, Non-members $20 & EventBrite registrations.
Join the NCGR and register to the Long Island Chapter at: 
In Person Meeting Meetings at Long Island Art League, 107 East Deer Park Road, Dix Hills, NY 11746, (631) 462-5400
Contact us: Jamie Forbes, President, Vice President, Sara Napuri-Moy, Secretary, Adrienne Mahoney, MaryAnn Dellinger, Treasurer.


Copyright © 2023 National Council of Geocosmic Research Long Island Chapter, All rights reserved. 
You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website. 

Our mailing address is: 
National Council of Geocosmic Research Long Island Chapter
PO Box 194
East Northport, NY 11731

Sunday, December 11, 2022

The Long Island NCGR Welcomes John Marchesella Dec. 15th!!!

Happy Holiday Season!!!

The Long Island NCGR Welcomes John Marchesella Dec. 15th!!!

Join us using this easy active event link taking you to the Eventbrite announcement followed by the purchase option page!

Event Registration

Don't miss John! If you have any difficulties contact us at

Mark your calendars!

Join us at Art League to see John via zoom or remotely on zoom. See the Eventbrite registration link below. 

December 15, 2022, at the Art League of Long Island.
 Speaker: John Marchesella


 At 7:00- 8:30 PM
The Astrological Reading in the Times of Chaos John will speak on the current chaos of the world is driving people to mental health counselors and spiritual advisors like crazy! And astrologers are in the unique position to provide both. Learn the techniques, issues and styles of reading for clients’ concerns and needs as well as for your own well-being, balance and productivity. This is a Hybrid meeting for members at the Art League , and John will Zoom in from his location. Contact John at
Event Registration

Up Coming Speaker Dates

David Perloff 
Mental Chemistry: A Legacy of Marc Edmund Jones. 
Presentation Live at the Art League of Long

March 16, 2023, 7-8:30PM.
Astrologer Marc Edmund Jones introduced the concept of Mental Chemistry, which gives tremendous insight into how a person receives and processes information of all sorts. This is an easy-to-determine, though largely underused technique. Using charts of many public figures, we will discuss how to determine a person’s Mental Chemistry, and how to use this to better understand ourselves, our clients and the people around us.
My article on Mental Chemistry was featured in the July 2017 
issue of Dell Horoscope Magazine.

Armand Diaz 
Seven Methods of Prediction: What, When, and Who?
Presentation Live at the Art League of Long Island

April 20, 2023, 7:830 PM 
In this practical talk, we’ll survey seven methods of prediction: transits, secondary progressions, solar arc directions, solar returns, mundane transits, annual profections, and the Huber Life Clock. Each of these techniques has its own internal logic and gives a particular type of information. You’ll learn about the limits of predictions, and the importance of using a method that resonates with the client and their chart - as well as the astrologer. There will be plenty of examples, and opportunities to work with your chart. The basics of each method will be covered so that you can begin to use them immediately.

At the door: Members $15, Non-members $20 Event Brite registration to follow.
Join the NCGR and register to the Long Island Chapter at: 
In Person Meeting Meetings at Long Island Art League, 107 East Deer Park Road, Dix Hills, NY 11746, (631) 462-5400
Contact us: Jamie Forbes, President, Grace Lopez, Acting Secretary, MaryAnn Dellinger, Treasurer. Advisors to our board Lenore Graffmuller, and Jeanne D’Brant.

Saturday, October 15, 2022

The Long Island NCGR: Join us for Robert Corre on Oct. 20, 2022, 7-8-30 PM at the Art League of Long Island, Plus more!!!


Dear Members and Friends of LINCGR,

We are happy to announce a Holiday Gathering on Nov 17. A reminder that Robert Corre will be joining us for his lecture on Oct 20 in Person at the Art League of Long Island on October 20, and the Education Committee will be starting classes on Oct 24. John Marchesella will Zoom in with us on Dec 15 for a Hybrid meeting at the Art League of Long Island.

LINCGR Education Committee Classes are currently live with cash payment at the door. Eventbrite links for Robert Corre and John Marchesella for those who wish to watch at home with Zoom will soon be available on our web site as the dates approach.

The chapter would like to thank Armand Diaz for graciously volunteering to conduct a survey of the members and friends for preferences and ideas for our upcoming programming and classes in the new year. Please watch for this survey from Survey Monkey. 

The Education Committee and Chapter Board would again like to thank our President Jamie Forbes for all her hard work and dedication in bringing our chapter back to it’s tradition of providing quality astrological programming and making it available through hybrid technology to one and all following the COVID hiatus. We are now listed in the NCGR National Around the World Announcements which circulates to all NCGR chapters globally. The next time you attend a meeting you may have an opportunity to meet members and friends from Mexico, Tokyo or US cities across the states. Thanks Jamie! 

Please scroll down for details to all our upcoming events and lessons….Grace Lopez, Acting Secretary

Join us for our Holiday Party!!! 

Thursday, November 17, 2022

7:00 - 8:30 pm

Art League of Long Island

107 E. Dear Park Road, Dix Hills NY 11746

Let’s celebrate the season. Bring a $ 5-10 grab bag gift. Goodies and Refreshments will be served.

Bring your charts for fun reading and exchanges!!!


Please Join Robert Corre Live

At The Art League of Long Island.

October 20,2022

Robert will be in attendance, and available to view on zoom for this hybrid presentation.

Speaker, Robert Corre:

"The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts –
The Art of Chart Synthesis. Creating a Living Image"
7:00- 8:30 PM

"Most people examine a chart in a chaotic and haphazard fashion which predisposes them to becoming overwhelmed with the risk of becoming discouraged. This ends typically with frustration and only modest satisfaction. Corre states, "We introduce a solution, a rational, elegant yet simple methodology that stresses discipline and organization irrespective of practicing a traditional or contemporary interpretation” .Please Join Robert Corre Live.

At The Art League of Long Island.

October 20,2022

Robert will be in attendance, and available to view on zoom for this hybrid presentation.


Beginning Astrology 

with MaryAnn Dellinger

Forest City Park Community Room

3099 Morgan Drive, Wantagh, NY 11793

Mondays 11:30 am-1:00 pm

October 24, 31 

Nov 14, 21, 28

Dec 12, 19

$20 Members $25 Prospective Members per class, Cash At Door 

$10 discount for prepayment of 7 class series.

Please RSVP your intent to attend with phone number in case of cancellation to:

This series of classes will cover the Signs of the Zodiac, The Planets and Their Meanings, Planetary Powers Chart, Quadruplicities and Triplicities, Houses of the Birth chart, Aspects and Their Meanings, Signs on the Ascendant and the Sun, Moon, and Planets in the Signs. MaryAnn uses a personal approach utilizing the personal charts of the students with current transits to enhance their understanding of the course content.

Recommended Text: Astrology, A Cosmic Science By Isabel M. Hickey


Interpretational Fundamentals

with Grace Lopez

Merrick Golf Course Clubhouse

2550 Clubhouse Rd, Merrick, NY 11566

Mondays 7:00 to 8:30 pm

October 24, 31

Nov 14, 21, 28

Dec 12, 19

$20 Members, $25 Prospective Members per class, Cash at Door

$10 discount for prepayment of 7 class series.

Please RSVP your intent to attend with phone number in case of cancellation to:

Chart analysis requires a reading sequence. This is important to ensure that nothing is over-looked. It includes factors such as Rulership, Dignity, House Combinations, Interceptions, Retrogrades, Aspect Patterns and Qualities or Elements that are Emphasized or Lacking. These factors must then be synthesized to prepare for Chart Interpretation which is The Art of Astrology. It is a system that when properly used teaches sensitivity and compassion, and also requires the use of a Feedback Loop. In this course we will learn these factors and begin to practice The Art which embarks us on a Lifelong Learning Project, as it does in any other art.

Recommended Text: Choice Centered Astrology by Gail Fairfield


Introduction to Tarot and Astrology 

with Armand Diaz

Merrick Golf Course Clubhouse

2550 Clubhouse Rd, Merrick, NY 11566

Thursdays Nov 3rd and 10th

6:30 Intro to Astrology

7pm-9pm class

$20 Members per class, $25 dollars per class Prospective Members Cash At Door

Please RSVP your intent to attend with phone number in case of cancellation to:

Learn to use these two methods of divination together to understand your past, present and future. You’ll discover how Tarot and Astrology can be used together complement your future and ‘fill in the blanks’ and enrich your interpretations and predictions. We’ll cover the Tarot decks that work best with Astrology, spreads that help you get more specific information and the Astrology keywords that can illuminate the Major and Minor Archana of the Tarot. No knowledge of Tarot is required. A basic understanding of Astrology is helpful but not necessary. (Come a half hour before class to get a tutorial on the needed topics). It’s going to be an interesting and fun class.


Pandemics, World Wars, Climate Change…Inflation

The Astrological Readings in the Times of Chaos.

with John Marchesella

Dec 15, 2022


The Art League of Long Island

See our website for details
